When you are in a situation with someone who would drain your energy, be empathetic, but do not be empathic. Do not go down to their level. Do not get sucked into the drama. Stay above it; stay disconnected.
It is their drama, let them keep it.
Do not be afraid to tell them that you have had enough drama today, and thank you very much, time to go.
If they are actively draining you, cut them from your life.
If, after you set your boundaries, and do not go down to their level, and you still feel drained after being interacting with them, cut off all ties with them. Your life energy is very precious, and there is no relationship worth the cost you are paying.
I do this most of the time @builderofcastles it was hard at first but having seen the freedom it gave me and the less stress - I embraced it. Somehow, I found like minded friends and people around me. Some of those vampires could be family members, too - I just stopped listening - filtered what I watched, too. It doesn't mean I'm cold - I do it kindly - I would excuse myself out or something.
Thank you, nice reply