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RE: 16 Hours Without Power

in #life7 years ago

Why does anyone consider a Tesla battery?
It is 1970s junk with a fancy cover.

Get yourself some Outback® inverters, and some iron-nickel batteries. Viola, a much better, cheaper and more resilient system then what Tesla is offering.

If you wanted to go further, now that you would have a 24 volt battery system is to convert the lighting in your house to DC LED lighting. Running it straight off the batteries eliminates the loss from the inverter converting, AND, it saves energy by not sitting idle.

The Ouback® inverter can be set to line-tie mode, and/or to battery charging mode, and/or to off grid mode.

I feel that a line-tie only inverter is just a waste of money, because for a few hundred more, you can have power in cases of emergencies.


I only mentioned it because it is an option people ask me about (people think I know everything about Tesla because I have solar). Its a slick looking solution -but a tad overpriced ;)

I'm more interested in a generator at this point - whether its a portable or a fixed natural gas one i'm not sure. I used to have coral and saltwater fish - I had a pretty good battery system for it - but it seems when the power does go out its out for a relatively long time.

The Genrac ng/lp generators are awesome - maybe a little overkill - but awesome. I would "enjoy" it so I am leaning in this direction.. Its probably overkill.. but it would save me from a fridge full of food I need to throw out! A portable 5kw might work as well (for a fraction of the cost) - but its not as elegant.

Nothing like an electrical project to keep the mind busy.