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RE: How Self Driving Cars Will Transform Your Life

in #life8 years ago

Well, the biggest problem here is something that most people don't know about.
Gasoline is a waste product. When cracking oil you get a stack of outputs. And, if you stopped using gasoline for cars, then half of the oil wouldn't be used.

Electric motors are much smaller than an internal combustion engine, but batteries are MUCH LARGER than a tank of gasoline.

Oil is the most useful substance on earth. There are thousands of uses for it.
And, like I said, gasoline is a waste product. So, if humanity is going to stop using oil (and gasoline) then we have to replace every part that we currently use oil for. It is not undoable, and will probably be inevitable sometime in the future but there is such a huge supply chain to rework.

I believe other technologies are going to come in and completely change the paradigm of driving long before we work out a viable battery to replace all gasoline vehicles.