We ain't seen nothin yet.
The die off from the VAXXX is just starting.
And those who survive the VAXXX will have shorter lifespans.
When we look back on this we will notice that:
The MSM selling of fear cut everyone's lifespan by 5 years.
The VAXXX cuts off more than 30 years from a person's lifespan.
And now we have to deal with some mutated disease that is now part of our earth.
This will lead to big pharma being wiped from the face of the earth.
I agree that the harms are only beginning to become apparent. I am concerned that there seems to be negative consequences that are caused by the jabbed shedding spike proteins. However, I am confident those consequences are far less than if we'd been jabbed and were manufacturing those toxins ourselves.
Big pharma being wiped will be a great benefit to humanity, particularly as we are going to have the ability to use AI to diagnose, and 3D printers to make our own medicines, pretty soon.