Once upon a time, there lived two good friends, adelodun and Esther, they have known each other since their childhood and they did almost everything together, eat together, visit each other daily attend the same school, read together and also stroll together, people knew them as best friends and their character was something to be proud of, they are humble, respectful and kind, their parent was also in support of their friendship... Things were going well until they graduated from secondary school and gained admission into university...esther was a beautiful girl that captures the heart of every one, all eyes were always on her and that got into her head, she started keeping bad friends, she got no time for her books, she even started to ignore her very best friend, 'Adelodun'.. Couldn't allow his best friend to go astray like that, he tried to talk to her and advice her to stop walking and mingling with bad company as bad friends corrupt good manners, but Esther was already addicted to the new life style, unfortunately she took to drugs and at the end she ran Mad...it is in time of trouble you will know your true friends, all her newly made friends left her to her problem, only adelodun stay and he took good care of her till she get better and normal again... At the end... They live happily ever after..
Mr lover burlaj
Nice one,i appreciate the write up
Thank you man
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Wow dis is a captivating message
Amazing write up
Glad you like it
those days of 2go was a mixture of fun and hell.