I've been a bit stressed lately waiting to see a Doctor for a biopsy. About three months ago I noticed a lump at the top of my right thigh. I went to a walkin clinic not thinking much about the lump, figured it was something simple the Doctor would be able to help me with and send me on my way. I never even considered that it could possibly be anything serious but pretty soon I was off to get an ultrasound done on my lump. The ultrasound was fairly uneventful and after wasting a bunch of time I was told the results were inconclusive and referred to a surgeon, who I went and saw today.
The surgeon was very blunt and straightforward with me which I greatly appreciated. He laid out the two possible scenarios for me. If the biopsy comes back negative, I get schedule in to see him again for a full surgery to remove the lump. If the biopsy comes back positive, I get referred to yet another Doctor and I head to the big city for further treatment.
A possible depiction of tomorrows biopsy
Via Pixabay
I'm trying to stay positive about everything but it's hard to eliminate the negative when the situation has such wide margin between the two outcomes. I can't help have the thoughts of what happens if next week I find out I have cancer. I try to remind myself that it's more likely everything is fine and I'll get the lump removed and carry on with my life.
Nothing you can do but overcome with what life deals you.
Hey man,
Support all the way from Shanghai!
You got this keep your chin up. A result is a result, and you can take it and make anything of it.
If it's good you know to maintain health. If it's bad now you know to get away from an ailment and regain health.
This is the first step!
Either way I just want to know, I hate waiting.
Patience my friend. That's the bitch about life. haha
Ever here of encapsulation ?