Soup is a dish best served cold. The world lost the plot and decided to make it up on the fly with a few low grade writers who spend more time playing Fortnite then writing. If you want to go viral quick all you need is a devilishly high kill count on COD - wait were we talking about gun problems or soup - I forgot.
True story on some random video social media thingy where you swipe past videos I noticed one where someone made a "Drone Catcher" - cool right? Drilled and fabricated the compressed air tanks, painstakingly screwed all the the air pipes together - and literally ended up with a device that fired four weights on the four corners of a net out at force that could net a drone at 60ft plus away.
Makes you wonder, social workers versus knives or guns, if someone can build from scratch from random bits a giant compressed air fired net - why aren't the cops just netting the nefarious instead of "he's got a knife - shoot him in the face just in case"
Maybe it's all a bit too Spiderman. And the net blasty thing was pretty big, didn't look like you wanted to be walking the streets to protect and serve with it.
I'm off to open a tin of Scotch Broth. I might throw a net over it first - just in case.
A couple months back, those fancy algorithms offered up a video showing me someone rant about all the things they hate about now, including gun violence. I'm unsure if they're were attempting to be ironic with a touch sarcasm though, because she was talking over a round of COD or Battlefield whatever. Imitation blood and guts everywhere...
And sure, humans could easily invent an entire arsenal, an answer to every possible situation. I don't think we can honestly expect to have a human carry this all into every disaster setting though, then know exactly which to reach for within the split seconds it takes to decide.
Even in the video games, sometimes we forgot what all those buttons do. Even the microwave can be confusing, but I suggest you at least try it on the soup, because cold soup is, unfinished business.