This series is dedicated to all the #oldtimers here on Steemit and to all those who love the old days from the 50's to 70's!
Remember when we were young, times were simpler, slower and happier? Remember when the biggest problems at school were kids playing hoooky? Remember when you could buy a pack of gum for a nickle or a comic book for 12 cents.
In those days we could turn in old glass soda bottles and get a refund, which we could then buy soda or chips for less than a quarter. I remember when it was safe for children to go trick or treating without worrying about what they collected.
It was a carefree time for us because times really were simpler and less chaotic.
I also remember when it cost only 25 cents to go to the movies and street parking was free in the city. The gas was cheap, where it cost only 15 cents a gallon for regular and there was very little traffic on the roads with less cars.
We could buy a full bag of groceries for only a dollar because a loaf of bread was only 25 cents. Can you believe McDonalds hamburgers were 15 cents, a cheese burger was 19 cents, fries were 10 cents and soda was also only 10 cents. Those really were the good old days for me.
Because those were memorable times filled with happy memories and experiences, I want to take a journey back in time to the 50's, 60's and 70's. It will be a fun expedition to discover, experience and relive some fun, old memories, when times were more peaceful, less stressful and freer.
Please come join me in this journey back in time........until the next Down Memory Lane post, be happy and healthy!
Calling All OldtimersMahaloP.S. - This is also a big shout out to @old-guy-photos who inspired me with this spark of remembering the olds days. He wrote an excellent post called, , where he said, “we need a way to support other older members of the site. I thought that was a good idea and suggested we could use the tag #oldtimers”. His article meant a lot to me and I’m sure to other “oldtimers” as well. A big (thank-you in Hawaiian) to @old-guy-photos.
And here’s to all the seniors and those who love the “oldies”!
Image Credit - all pictures from Pixabay
Thank-you for reading my post. It is much appreciated! If you would like to follow me, please check HERE Also please support the #oldtimers tag :D
I remember going for rides in ones of those cars with springy suspension. My mother would speed up a lit bit just before a bump in the road and it made my stomach flip. She called those Thank You Ma'ams.
The cars were bumpy but very, very solid. And I remember we could move around more in the back seat. I guess I'm aging myself, but those really were some fun times! Thank-you so much for commenting and voting. I hope you have a great day and happy times!
Yes my uncle always did that!
What a fun post! I never lived at that time, but it is always so nostalgic to remember and look back at things you remember when you were little!
And boy were things cheap back then! But that's inflation for you!
Thank-you! The old times had great oldies music, less taxes and great prices. Those were the days of carefree, happy moments. Thank-you for your support!
damn, too bad i never got to live those times :))
@the messengers, those days were really more carefree and happy. Families would spend more time together, took trips by driving to different places, there was less tension and the price of everything was so affordable to everyone. I wish you could have experienced those days because it really was a happy time for me. Thank-you so much for your comments and upvote. I appreciate the fact that your read my article. I'm looking forward to your posts as well. Have a wonderful day with good experiences!
thanks, í've always been passionate to the old stuff...from cars to movies and music, and i definitly can see that things were made with more pleasure than the desire of just to make money
You know, your comment gave me an aha moment! I think that the most wonderful thing about the old days is that there wasn't such a competitive drive to make money. Things were made to last and they did. Today, everything is cheaply made and in multitudes. For me, it is a sad but true realism. @themessengers, I really appreciate your very insightful perspective. I look forward to your articles....with your deep views, I'm sure they will be great! Again, thank-you!
you're welcome, we'll start posting more soon...i'm looking forword into getting a better taste of how it was to live back then from your post, and for that you have my follow :))
Wow, amazing.
Nice post..
I like it 👍
Thank-you! I decided to do a series on my old days when growing up because they were very happy times of simpler living. It is one of my steps on my Path to Becoming. Have a great day. Appreciate the support and vote!!!
Thank you for the fun post! I wasn't alive during those decades, but a 19 cent cheeseburger and 10 cent fries sounds fantastic!
Ha, Ha, Ha......wouldn't it be wonderful if we had those same prices today? What a bargain. We could buy a whole complete meal for less than 50 cents. Now 50 cents won't even cover a tip. Thank-you for commenting and voting. I really appreciate the support! Have a great day!
I always enjoyed talking with my parents and my grandmothers (my grandfathers both passed away before I was born) about the "good old days." They made it sound so interesting, different and simpler. I often yearned to be able to experience those times of black and white (or faded color) that I saw in pictures and my imagination. Other times, I wished I could have been born in the distant future, when we have resolved our pollution, energy, and other societal problems. Finally, I began to realize that we all are born at the optimal time for our spirit's growth. So I'm happy that you got to experience these simpler times because it must have been important to your life's journey. I'd love to read more about these times if you feel like posting more!
Thank-you so much d-pend. The old days were wonderful for me because people seemed to care more and do for each other. As time passed, people became more materialistic and money hungry. Sometimes I want to move to a place that is simple where I can grow my food, care for animals and breathe fresh air. That is why I connect with people who share the same sentiments. But you are so wise in realizing that we were placed in our times for spiritual growth. I really mean it when I tell you that you exude a powerful spiritual presence which is something special. You may not realize how much of a gift it is because of the pain you have encountered but when you meet the right people (there are not that many out there), you will bring so much positive energy that will be healing, to them. Your have given me a ray of hope that there are those few people that matter out there and you are one of them. Keep moving forward, building up that inner strength that is waiting to be found!....Cabbagepatch
It sure did bring back some memories. My first job paid £8.00 ($10) a week lol but that £8.00 would just stretch and stretch.
A pint of beer was £0.18p ($0.20c) and you really could go out for an evening and have a Chinese meal at the end for just £1. Curry and rice was just £0.10p ($0.12c) lol
A gallon of petrol (gas) was £0.20p ($0.25c) and a loaf of bread was £0.05p ($0.06)
The exchange rate back then was $4 to the £1 now it $1.25 to £1?
The pound has lost 3/4 of its value...Shocking! Didn't think about that before this excellent post.
Can you believe it? We had never heard of Macdonalds, KFC, and all those other USA franchise exports.
Upvoted and resteemed. Followed. I thought I already had but I have now lol.
You are such a delight! You are really a hidden gem. They don't make em like you any more. I am so happy that my life path has crossed with so many wonderful "old-young people " this past month. What fun to share memories of those wonderful times when we could be freer and happier. I actually laughed when writing this post. I plan to do a little more because I want to recapture very funny and joyous times. What you shared on your comment was fantastic. If you don't mind, I may share some of your comments on my next post. It makes me happy to let the world know that those really were the good old days! And of course to say, we are a fantastic generation and still kicking strong. Thank-you so much @molometer. You are such a wonderful person and I'm glad to share old times with you. Have a wonderful upcoming weekend and a joyous, fun time!.....Cabbagepatch
Why thank you cabbagepatch for your warm comments. It's so nice to meet you too. There is so much that we had that is gone now.
The music was/is wonderful and the living was easy. We had our share of problems but people got out on the streets and did something about it. Before Twitter was even a pipe dream. I must admit I was a hippie and proud of it too.
I feel like shouting from the rooftops.
"I am a Hippee and we will find the answers" and it looks like we did in many ways.
There is still work to be done.
This was so nice, makes you think how time flies and prices rise, I remember buying 3 trolleys of groceries with luxuries included for just over R12.00 that is less than a dollar. We had lots of fun and no worries, and everyone still cared for their neighbours and friends. Thank you for a lovely post.
Bigbear, thank-you for your wonderful comments. Isn't it amazing how times have changed and how much everything is today? Someone told me to do something that made me happy so my old memories fit the bill. Even your anniversary made me think of times long ago. I think we should all cherish what we hold dear, including our childhood, our joyous times of the past, our children and family and all those times that made us laugh. I will continue to share more old memories that hopefully are fun to remember. Again @bigbear, appreciate your support. You have written a lot of excellent posts which I've enjoyed. Have a great weekend!
I'm sometimes scary to get old, but I love old or vintage things. It must be there's something valuable in old things including memories. Thank you for the story @cabbagepatch
When you are young, it is natural to be afraid to get old. You should live for now while young, which you are doing now....good for you! As time goes by, one gains so much wisdom that is learned by all the ups and downs of life's path. When you get older and wiser, age is just a number and nothing more. If you think young, you will be young in body and spirit. I feel so much more freer and happier because of all my past experiences. So Bontonstory, embrace the now, don't worry about the future aging and just live. Your memories will fill you with happiness and knowledge when you need them. Thank-you ever so much for reading my article, commenting and voting. It is deeply appreciated......Cabbagepatch
Great post! So much of what I remember from my childhood in the 70's seems like another lifetime now. I remember going to the dime store and buying penny candy. My brother and I would come out of there with a whole bag of candy for a few dollars. My father had a 1969 Dodge Charger R/T with almost 500hp. One of my earliest memories was riding in the back seat and smoke from his tires rolling in the side windows. : )
OMG, I forgot about the penny candy!!! You actually gave me another happy moment! And your father's Dodge Charger R/T was another recollection. That same year my sister bought her first car and it was a green Dodge Charger! It was so cool back then and had very good pick-up when going up those steep hills in SF. They were some of the best times of my life. My best car memory was when my family drove cross country from NY to SF in our new 56 two tone ford. We were moving to SF so my father needed to new car in order to make that long trip. Thank-you so much for even looking at my post. It is truly deeply & appreciated. I know you are very busy with everything that you are doing, so even taking the time to comment always touches an inner part of me. By the way, I just completed the Perfect Pause. It was amazing and heartfelt. Tonight I will write a review in Amazon but I need to contemplate first on how to write the review, because I want to do it justice. Excellent, excellent book that everyone should read! Again, thank-you so much for all your contributions!.......look, I wrote so much here that it's almost a book! :D
Those classic Chargers were powerful cars for their day, definitely. My dad said he could literally watch the gas gauge move when he floored it. : ) Of course, gas was only $.25 per gallon back then though. I can't even imagine how well the '56 Ford rode. What a great car for a road trip. Thank you for the kind words about the book. I really aimed to write something simple for the beginner, something that could be easily integrated into their lives. It makes me happy that you enjoyed it. I so appreciate the fact that you're writing a review of the book. That helps indie authors more than most people realize, it gives books more legitimacy in the eyes of the public. Thanks again and have a wonderful evening!
Again, thank-you so much for taking your time to write this reply. I am always so touched by your giving soul. Your, The Perfect Pause, was wonderful and I really, really loved it. It is so funny, but just before coming onto Steemit, I just finished my Amazon review for your book. It took me awhile because I had to figure out how to find the correct way to give a review. I'm not tech savvy and my daughter was out. So I finally found my way after a while, and was able to give my honest and most sincere review. Then I had to figure out how to post it. I tried to edit it but I may have hit the submit button without the corrections. It was hilarious how inept I was. At least it is on Amazon.
I wanted to share with you that in 1975, after going through a divorce, I was experiencing panic attacks, at which time there wasn't as much information about it for me. I would always think that I was going to die. My doctor put me through all sorts of tests which came out normal including a head scan, ECG, balance and hearing tests, etc. I went to all sorts of specialists without any results. It took my desperation to search on my own for any type of information on what caused my problems. Then by chance I read an article in Good Housekeeping where an individual wrote about his phobias and how it lead to angoraphobia. It gave me an aha moment and subsequently finally found what was wrong. The reason I am writing this is to suggest that you might want to do a book tour or a speaking tour, targeting support groups where people have panic attacks. As you know, it can be very, very debilitating. As a once sufferer of panic attack, I would have gone to see you speak and bought your book, because this is an area that people are desperate to find a way to help themselves and would so welcome your book. Medicine is not great about alternative methods for health as it should be. I really think you can have a significant impact in this are. My apologies for always leaving long messages. I really want you and your book to be successful! .....Cabbagepatch
A great post and awesome shout out to me and our fellow #oldtimers. I can totally relate to this. I am always telling my kids that the old days were really nice in many ways like you point out!
Thank-you @old-guy-photos! You helped to inspire me to write about the old times. I had so much fun that I will continue down this venue. Going back to old memories, brought so much happiness and a sense of fulfillment, that it was a very healthy process for me. I hope others will do the same. I also crossed paths with another #oldtimers member,@molometer, who is another great poster and an extremely interesting guy, with a whole wealth of wonderful memories. Appreciate all the new pathways that have entered my life. Have a great weekend. Again, thank-you!
Nice post!
I would like to enjoy my trip to your good old days.
I think it will be a lesson for those who live in modern times.
Wow, such wonderful times those were for me. There certainly was alot of freedom back then. Living without fear and living with abundance is how I best remember those days.
The other thing that strikes me is back then there was no 'health insurance' so to speak. At least we didn't have any. But we had wonderful dental and medical care. Hospitalization when we needed it, vision care if we needed glasses. We were not wealthy folks by any means. My father was a construction worker and mom stayed home to raise the kids. We always had good food and clothes etc. Things just weren't as costly back then.
Such carefree living isn't just run of the mill anymore. I guess you have to make your life carefree, stress free and as debt free as you can to try to capture a small slice of that heaven :)
Thanks so much for making this post! I think you've got a great idea with your series, too!! I will certainly be reading :) Have a great day!
Thank-you for the awesome comments. Your memories are so fact I didn't remember about having no health insurance but the care and cost were good. Thank-you for the reminder. My family was also very similar to yours in that my father worked 6 days a week, 12 hours a day, to provide for the family while my mother was home raising my sister and me. But we did always have good food and clothing and the opportunity to do girls scouts, church and public swimming. Those were really happy days for me and so I wanted to try to take this journey to remember them. Thank-you for reading my article. I really had fun writing this one. I will start to work on the next one soon. I am slow but sure! :D