In terms of talking about technology there is often an S-Curve, named because it looks like an S. It can be used to show many different things, but in today’s case I want to talk about the S-Curve in term of advancement and growth. Many people know about Moore’s law which basically means tech will get exponentially cheaper and easier to produce over time ( the example I believe he used was ram size).
However in the real world with many different products what we end up seeing is the growth slowly stop being exponential and start slowing down, until, a new implementation or way of doing things is produced then it starts all over again, which gives the S-Cure its shape. An example in the real world with technology is processing power per core on CPUs. The growth was huge until it slowed down, but then multiple core processors were introduced and the cycle started all over again.
What I believe is we will start to see the S-Curve with human evolution through the implementation of biotechnology and synchronized systems that interact with us on a base layer. The ability of what humans have been able to do in terms of evolution is relatively slow. Yes we have greatly advanced the world in the past 100 years and perhaps we are moving at a pace that is exponential at this moment but when that stops, there will have to be a new way to push the human mind.
This is where I believe we will see interoperability with technology take place. This could be in our lifetimes, or beyond, but human beings will eventually start utilizing tech such as brain implants, bio implants ect. With this new potential we can restart exponential growth and push humanity to levels we could only dream of. There is a possibility that our brains would be doing calculations and thought at the speed and levels of computers.
In addition implants could be used to create a race of people who are efficient and working at their best level possible. Imagine if everyone today was working at an efficiency level of the top 1% of workers. Were talking about the possibility to completely morph the human race and develop and test even greater technology that could bring us closer to immortality in terms of the human race surviving anything. We could actually have a shot at becoming not only an interplanetary species but an inter-universal one.
Thanks to @Elyaque for the badges
Implants in the brain will be a great idea, cause I think I read that we only use 10% of our brain power as humans, probably these implants will help us maximize the other 90%.Great post
false, if what I heard is right. the brain is not malfunctioning at 10%, it is as a stadium full of people. all these are the parts of your brain. if they all spoke up at once, you'd have a deafening noise. So only the parts you need speak up.
but then, again.
i think i'll do it this way. lol.
so maybe further activation would be possible. it would be the equivalent of being forced to pay attention. you wouldn't be able to not... the choice would be taken away. that sounds really scary to me.
I agree 100 percent and I never even consider the forced attention aspect! That is a real deal killer! I was thinking more about the trust in the system one would have to have to do such a thing to themselves.
Even in a perfect world ( and this one is by no means perfect), I would be leery of Virus, Trojans, and how about what we just had on this site dianal of service attacks that could make for a bad day. Not to mention what furture tech that could be invented to go dump in the night!
Wow, did not think about it this way. Great point.
Hi, I recently posted something similar about how and where the humans will develop.
I focused also on the long term developments beyond makes us smarter, including getting immortal by uploading our minds to digital storages.
Hey I read it, great post! I cant wait until the day we can upload our minds digitally, hopefully it is on our lifetime. I like the idea of a sort of retirement matrix like in the San Junepero episode of black mirror.
Thanks a lot for the fat upvote, I do hope this too :)
Have to watch this, thanks for the hint.
I think that to answer the question you have to think out of the box. It is all about the perception of the reality. You have to challenge the common views to answer the question of future.
One good way is to question the existence of time. In no time world there is no future there is only now. In that perception everything what is going to happen it is only related to the perception and the determination of the mind.
In that world mind doesn't belong to the worker it belongs to the nature.
informative post @calaber24p , keep it up
I like it your post...
wonderful post @calaber24p !
technology is growing so fast. If there won't be a stupid nuclear war, soon we will see dramatic changes in good way