There's a practice that has been going on since as long as Hollywood has been around, but at this point really needs to stop. This is the act of over-sexualizing young actors and actresses for profit or notoriety. There are blatant negative side effects not only to the individuals, but to our societies as a whole that need to be addressed. This practice plays a fine line between profiting off pedophilia and it has no place in today's world.
The practice always happens subtly but every once in a while you can see the blatancy of it. Most recently, at least in what I have seen, has been with the children from the hit series stranger things. Provocative photo shoots, covers, etc all are ways that this practice is used to bring in audiences of their age, but also adults who look to prey on these children. Its easy to treat these children like adults because behind the scenes they might act like it, but they are still only children.
Young Hollywood actors and actresses usually are hit with the reality of life early on and especially famous ones have many people willing to cater to them. However, there aren't many people protecting them and looking out for what is best for them, not the studios or the companies they are affiliated with. What ends up happening is these children ultimately suffer mental, sexual or physical abuse because they are squeezed for every bit of fame and fortune they can generate. The practice is disgusting.
There's also no one telling these actors and actresses that what they are doing isn't okay or isn't acceptable. In many cases the parents themselves take a backseat role in raising them and lets the world teach them right from wrong. When you have such an easy access to your fan base today, like with twitter and Instagram , it is easy for these children to post things that aren't acceptable and will be online forever. I am baffled that the people who are supposed to teach them right from wrong, their parents, seem to pimp out their children for money.
Overall this practice that has been going on needs to be spotlighted and have an end put to it. Sexualization is something that has gone on forever and is okay for consenting adults, but these are children. Even if they consent it doesn't mean anything and although they might think they know what is best for them, it isn't their decision at that age. Their parents need to take a bigger role in actively raising them correctly and the public needs to shine a light on predators who are only exploiting them for personal gain.
If I ever have children, I would never want them to go within 100 miles of Hollyweird, with all it's drugged up actors/actresses and pedophile directors.
I have a hard time understand how Americans still keep worshiping these fucked up people in Hollywood, and keep financially supporting them by purchasing overpriced movie theater tickets.
I completely agree, I mean if my child really wanted to act I would support them, but I would keep a watchful eye at all times.
Only recently have many actors and actresses in Hollywood come out talking about all the abuse they went through in the past. It took them years to discuss this. Some of these kids, like you mention, don't have parents that care enough to guide them; help them differentiate between what's right and what's wrong. All they have are directors and other crew members telling them this and that.
Sure, just like people who have come out this last year, young actors and actresses may come out in the years to come but why not stop these predatory behaviors before they happen? What kind of parent allows their kid to be pimped out like that!?
It breaks my heart that some kids don't even know what's going on with their makeups, clothes they wear, photoshoots they do, and inappropriate hugs/touches they receive.
Maybe predatory behavior from directors and actors coming to light lately will keep some creeps from doing what they do. Some but not all...
Exactly, there are so many times I want to say "where were the parents" its terrible they treat their own children as stepping stones.
It's sad what people do for money and greed. Using children to generate profits... They aren't seen as humans, they are seen as tools that provide fame for Hollywood. Even their parents are taken over by the greed, allowing this to happen to their own children. This kind of behavior definitely ruins the lives for actresses and worst of all, other children will want to be like them, because it's "popular"...
Yeah unfortunately this is one of the reasons many child actors become trainwrecks, eventually when they have no rules they get into stuff like hard drugs that messes up lives.
Hollywood has several problems in the way actors are treated. Seeing pics like the ones you put is another proof.
Besides, all those actors/actresses claiming there were abused, Hollywood has indeed bad people working in there.
System of a down had it right all along, you should have never gone to hollywood.
These practices are snatching the real beauty of children & that's their innocence. That's very disturbing because due to this foolishness such incidents are happening with the children that are so painful that we can't even imagine :(
Thanks for this article bro. keep it up for awareness .
Yeah its horrible and people need to speak up about it because its still mainstream.
That's great info dear...This situation create and focus this issue ..Thanks for sharing ...
Thanks dear sharing this post..Waiting your next post..
Interesting post upvote resteeme done
It's a real pity because children or young actors bring a different dimension to any production, and to any want-to-be actor is an ideal way to start: from a young age. But this over-sexualization as you point it out is not only dangerous to us as a society but obviously to the young people involved and to future generations of talent that, in fear of being expossed to this, might not want to pursue acting or decide to do it when they're older and it will be harder then.
Great info
great information thank you for posting!
These poor children, at no fault of their own, are now the eye candy for the massive amounts of pedophiles out there. As a parent, we must be vigilant in keeping our children and their innocence safe, not trying to turn our kids into a meal ticket to fame.
happy today for you!
i am happy with your post ! Thanks.
Such an environment isn't good for children. It is more like pressing fast forward on their psychosocial development... Little wonder why they grow with serious issues