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RE: Our Broken Education System, My Opinions On The Current State of Education In The United States

in #life9 years ago

I have 2 recommendations in the land of education. In my mind, and this is after much thought and researching on the subject, schooling is just if you want to be a better cog or if you want your children to fit neatly inside the boxes selected for them by those who feel they are in charge.

Run, don't walk, and listen to a wonderful man that everyone ought to know, John Taylor Gatto. He was 2 times New York state teacher of the year and 3 times New York City teacher of the year. The people at Tragedy and Hope sat down with him a few years back and they have a 5 hour video series on youtube, The Ultimate History Lesson with John Taylor Gatto, anyone who wonders what the hell is going on with the people on this planet could have a great deal of insight gained by listening to this wonderful old man who has read the dusty old books and is there to tell us about it and to direct us to find it for ourselves. His work is all over youtube, really, go find him.

The other suggestion I have for you all is to visit and begin. This, possibly more than anything else I've looked at, has made the difference in my world, it was the switch in my brain I believe. I have gained the power of critical thinking and it is such fun to use, I wish more people in the world would give it a try! haha