Thank-you! My concern though is that I want to stay anonymous.
I realize that if the local 'CPS' office found out who I am, they might try to plot their revenge and find a way to remove my children. I am taking real risks by putting my voice to this initiative. When Mark asked me to help, I felt that I needed to do my part to stop these atrocities. But I am also being cautious. So unfortunately, I won't be wearing these items out in public.
I wish that we had some people who really understood this topic and would publicly stand up who do not have their own young children (or grandchildren) that could be a target.
No problem! Myself, my fiance @bunnymoney and many of us will wear it and support you and what you have created. As @markwhittam said, together we are unstoppable!
Very sobering thoughts. Thank you for the reminder. It must be very hard to temper yourself, especially when you are so aware about the dangers? Sometimes I feel as if to say "how dare they silence people" and fight back twice as hard, but then you hear a reminder like that at it makes you realise the what we are really up against. As far as I know about how the gov control groups of protesters, they will allow us to spread the word, to a point. After than they expect any group to begin the cycle of preaching a mantra ie #....livematter" or my own groups favourite, "the laws of god must be upheld". They will monitor and then infiltrate the group(I'm referring to @familyprotection) and then begin causing arguments and either acting militant/over-the-top, or very negative and casting doubt to stop momentum. They did this to our facebook group and then I read about how this is all part of how they work. We must be very careful in the future and the money we earn will most certainly be targeted, in revenge. Lots to think about as your campaign grows. It would be good to organise some kind of alert system or contactable community. There is an app called 'Cell511' and it has been developed for situations just like this. It would at least give the group a chance to raise the alarm if one of us was to be targeted. We must carry on regardless but you have given me some food for thought here, @canadian-coconut.
you did well Mr @