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RE: Back here in the Land of the Free, now facing 5 years in prison for emailing my son.

in #life7 years ago

yeah. They want dad's out of the picture for sure.

A good friend mine was being visited by Social Services after her toddler broke his leg badly. The doctors and scans said that it was not abuse, but Social Services kept on being involved despite that. They tried their very best to trick her into saying something bad about her husband,
and tried telling her that she needed to divorce him.
He's a great guy and she loves him, but that didn't matter to them.

They wanted dad out of the picture so that they could more easily figure out a way to steal her children from her. Social Services is pure EVIL. So much of the system is evil. But the government departments that simply steal your money are not nearly as bad as the ones that steal your children and break up families.


It's hard enough for two parents working together to protect their kids from the parasites, but when one parent tries to turn the state against the other one, it becomes way more difficult.

They just put a mom in jail here in Michigan for refusing to vaccinate her kid. The dad wanted to vaccinate, court ordered it, mom refused or delayed, and they sent her to jail. The only law the domestic courts follow is 'I am the law" meaning they unilaterally decide what's best for the child and issue orders accordingly.

I'm pretty good at following the law. Not so good at following orders. That's the difference between a citizen and a slave.