I agree 100%. I am always perplexed as to why big ag is receiving subsidies, while organic farmers are being buried in paperwork. Especially when the government is often making statements about environmental accountability. They have no problem taxing us for the sake of the environment yet neglect to actually make intelligent changes to industrial practices. Instead of counting carbon particles, why are they encouraging something more useful like planting trees?
I understand budgeting all too well and asking people to pay more for their groceries when wages can't keep up with the ever increasing inflation is unfair. Some ask how I afford to shop at the farmers market but I often look for ugly produce because it's priced lower. Also, by shopping there often vendors want to reward my patronage by offering me better prices. We probably do spend more on our groceries if you include supplements but we figure we can either pay upfront and be healthy now, or pay later with declining health.
We might be dreamers but Matt and I really want to show people that sustainable agriculture is possible. We can work in harmony with the land, while staying fed and affordable. There seems to be an increasing number of permaculture farms and CSA's cropping up. Sustainability is the future and we want to be a part of the movement.
Cheers, Aimee