Steemit is a great example of financial motivations indeed and is set up in a way to reward those who work hard instead of participants who try to take short cuts. Although, even Steemit seems to have some areas where rewards can be a bit unbalanced.
In terms of government, I would like to see contraints where politicians could not cross into private sectors they played a role in governing previously, or have influence in. Currently, financial motives are plagued by conflicts of interest.
I do like the idea of creating a rating system where incentives are delayed but that idea in and of itself has problems. For one, how are the incentives being secured until payout? We are already seeing hard working individuals who were counting on their pensions in financial strain because the money promised to them was spent. I would also worry that the rating system would lead to blackmail or threats of the children in care. Even though the rating would take place as an adult there lies a possibility for years of, manipulation to take place in the meantime. Although, I do admit delayed gratification would be a better route than the current system in place.
I am adding your books to my reading list! As a mom of young twins, I may take a while to get through them but I definitely think they are worth a read.
Many of the problems can be solved with blockchain tech. Blockchain is immutable without quantum computers and eveyrthing can be handled trustlessly.
The only real problem is the kids being manipulated. But in a better system manipulation would be less worse and less severe. I've always said that there can be perfect people but not perfect systems. Improvement is a process. As long as its in the right direction we should do what we can. With future developments we will be able to solve more problems.
I always want to believe therea lies good in everyone, but to believe people can be perfect is to truly have faith in humanity. Perhap, I am a bit more cynical or at least skeptical than you.
I am on board with your belief that if there are better systems available that we should be implementing them or at least working in that direction.
Thank you for the thought provoking conversation you really pushed me to explore different ideas and analyze where break downs could occur.
People always tend to underestimate both the darkness and the good in people. I'm pretty sure I'm more cynical than you. (I found Requiem for a Dream to be a mercerizing experience and took me many months to even figure out why people even consider the movie depressing. I'm also a huge Gen Urobuchi and Junji Ito fan) But I'm also a very hopeful person.
My reasoning is that Evil is self destructive while good isn't. Evil survives because of the good that is left. I would even say there are 4 kinds of people that do good:
1)The benevolent ones
2)Those who have nothing else to do. (I consider myself a mix of these 2)
3)The miserable suckers
4)Evil people
The best weapon of Evil is the good. I invite you to read these 2 short stories I've written.
300 Word Short Story #+1 A story about a criminal family and a young man who lost everything.
300 Word Short Story #-1 A story about a criminal family and a man who lost everything.
Perfect evil would be perfect self-destruction. This cannot exist. But Perfect goodness is only insanely difficult. If it's achievable, someone would achieve it. As a trader I'll also say this: You cannot loose betting against(shorting) humanity. But the best wins would come from the Individuals who become the exception. When banks fall, precious metals shoot for the moon. I'm willing to make both these bets.