TEXAS IS ON GOD'S RADAR. Apocalyptic Flooding Chastisement from the Returned Messiah !

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Since 2011 the Lord has been warning all of the USA, bible belts, the Americans to repent, change, and make Exodus from Babylon aka USA. You would think they would sit down, study Revelations and do the homework.

One thing ...it is not just Texas..it is the entire USA

Remember these are areas heavily concentrated with mega churches, pastors who teach a false doctrine that do not really do not care about the people inside of their churches! They deliberately water down and twist the teachings into either the " feel good lie" doctrine or use the bible as a tool to guilt and shame when it is convenient to suit the occasion. Everything is fine until you miss a payment then you get guilted and shamed by them, but once you make good then all the sudden you are considered a saint!

Meanwhile, they detest anyone that is different than them despite the Lord's command to Love God and To Love Each Other? Strange contradiction no? Prejudices, hypocrisy, fear, fear mongering, division, and hate all at it's finest dwell within the walls of false teachers and false doctrine.

Each year is worse with the punishments as each year they become more and more corrupt. Time is up. He gave them time to research, to prepare and take action yet they remain and are swept away!

Disobedience to the Lord means death! No, he does not protect you or reward you for following false teachers! How would you know if it is all you have ever known and you continue to blindly follow in ignorance? He warned you about this and yet you blindly, willingly walk into the trap. You attend church, you feel good when you leave even knowing deep down that your life is not being lived the way it should be. The pastor says " Hey it is ok, you are forgiven automatically!" It is called the " feel good lie." They tell you it is all going to be OK so long as you keep attending and tithing to them! Come on you know this sounds familiar. In reality, they really do not do historical research, nor research the bible or barely even seem to even know the bible. If they had then you would know that Revelation 19 12 means he returns with a NEW NAME, but everyone keeps saying ..." Jesus is gonna rapture us! " So you really do not believe that it is not about the quality of your soul? You really believe it is because if you attend that church and receive a title that will save you ? Do you realize that is brainwashing? Do you realize how many killers, corrupt, thieves, and more are part of that? No, they won't be absolved for attending a false teachers gathering!

Sorely wrong folks. You must be more spiritually mature and responsible than that!

You have to actually repent, live his path and way according to the will of God. It takes actions, it takes effort, it takes seeking him, and also living according to his command you sorely fail in.. to Love God and to Love Each Other! Yes, you failed. Think about it. Think about how you talked to people that are not of your kind, your church, your beliefs, your beliefs in sexual preference, etc. Were you really Godly toward others or were you full of hate?
Did you attend church one day and then turn around to sell pills illegally the next day? Did you expect to be loved and cherished as you abuse your family? Think about your actions! Nothing is hidden from him!

These Events
These are not isolated events. We are talking about over a course of a small period of time the entire large state of Texas has been hit. Do some research as you will see it. Many Texans that know me realize that I warned about this long before it started. The Messiah warned. I simply did what a messenger is supposed to do!

TEXAS, We have been warning you for your own safety as your friends, loved ones, relatives. Yes, we know what you say " God will protect me, he knows my heart! " Really, again? He knows you can make a change if not for yourself, but also others, but you refused. So NO he will not help you! You chose something over him!

Archbishop Scoggins Quotes the Lord's reminder

"Leave Babylon or suffer the consequences"-Lord RayEl.


Story courtesy The Imperial Regent of the Lord
y CBS NEWS October 16, 2018, 6:44 PM
Deadly onslaught of flooding hits Texas after days of rain

A flooded Texas river rose 35 feet in a day and crushed a bridge
6:13 PM, Oct 16, 2018

Months' worth of rain deluges Texas in a matter of days, elevating flood danger
Alex Sosnowsky Byline Image
By Alex Sosnowski, AccuWeather senior meteorologist
October 17, 2018, 1:18:32 AM EDT


You might want to start paying attention. This has been increasing and it is not isolated
Story here
Officials: 4 Men Remain Missing In West Texas Flooding
October 9, 2018 at 8:22 amFiled Under:flooding, Floods, helicopter rescue, Junction Texas, Llano River, Rain, Texas Department of Public Safety, Texas game warden, West Texas

YOUR SO CALLED Shepards, teachers, preachers, pastors FAILED to tell you that Messiah has been here since 2011! If they did tell you then they would go broke! And you allowed it because you wanted something familiar, the feel-good lie, the assurance that no matter what you do all is well if you stay in that church and pay up! Occasionally they financially help you to keep you on the hook. We know the drill!

Think carefully about how you have suffered over the years, your family has suffered. You know this. You LIVE in the seat of Satan! You and your families suffering would end if you obeyed him!

Review preliminary evidence is here

The world witnessed the Messiah's arrival in Jerusalem,
exactly where and how the Holy Scriptures predicted.

His Holy Spirit was Delivered Here January 28 2011
When Christ ascended to Heaven 2000 years ago, it was at this location, and the angels assured the witnesses that he would return the same way.

Acts 1:11 And they were saying to them, “Galilean men, why are you standing and gazing into the sky? This Yeshua, who was taken up from you into Heaven shall come in this way, as when you saw him going up into Heaven."

Matthew 24:27 For just as lightning goes out from The East and appears unto The West, so will the coming of The Son of Man be.

When his Holy Spirit descended from the clouds in the Middle East (Jerusalem), it entered our realm with a flash like lightning, and instantly traveled to the West (North America), to join with the Son of Man, RayEl.

He is your King and your Lord, and the one prophesied by all of the major religions to judge the people, and bring about a new and everlasting kingdom.

Over the past seven years, we have supplied absolute proof of this claim, providing documentation of our Lord's continuing fulfillment of prophecy, from major media sources, as well as ancient scripture

Stop making excuses and save your family, your loved ones and hope you see that God had a better plan for you. It is not easy, but it is real.

Learn More, Learn Quickly. Time Is Up. GO TO


All You Need To Know About Christ's Return.

Sources and Credits
God and his Holy Son
The Messiah Lord RayEl
The Imperial Regent of the Lord Angelus Domini
The Holy Bible
Christ Has Returned YouTube
Coincidence ...no such thing


My wife came from Texas as well as Vicar General Cardinal Kelly Patrick. Texas has a special place in the heart of the Lord and so he really wants them to see the error of their ways before it is too late. Pray their eyes are opened and they make exodus!

Texas is one of the most iconically "American" states in the union, and right next to the border, so it's no surprise the Lord continually hammers them.

The Lord's wrath is fierce! Repent and leave Babylon, obey RayEl and be blessed!!

Texas hasn't seen rainfall like this for a year or two. It broke their last record! Sure is a lot of flooding going on!

The truth is no comfortable lie, it's unfortunate people would prefer comfort over truth!

Several Apostles have come from Texas so it is dearly loved which is why it is on God's radar. He is chastising them to get them to repent and return to God. Sadly, most don't get the hint. They need to repent and make exodus now!