Plan Agro Tourism and Farmers

in #life8 years ago (edited)

 AGROWISATA AND FARMERS (Massive Solutions to Poverty Reduction)

Perhaps lately I have rarely written on how to cultivate plants. But that does not mean I've quit the cultivation of Oms n Tans ^ _ ^. It's just that for some time I still need time to do everything first to get a conclusion worthy or not something I've done / do in terms of cultivation of plants to be published publicly.

This time I will discuss about agro-tourism ... What's wrong with agro? So what to do with farmers? Basically agro-tourism is a trip to the agricultural area. Agriculture in the broad sense includes smallholder agriculture, plantations, livestock and fisheries. But unfortunately, the existing agro-tourism is still rarely planning and development spearheaded / initiated by the farmers or local villagers, who are just waiting for the policy and planning like what will be done by, local government, institutions or individuals who have the capital Very pretty.

Develop Strawberries, Serang Village Icons Agrowisata Purbalingga

As a motivation for local farmers that agro-tourism can generate additional income for farmers. However, agro-tourism is also an opportunity to educate people or the community about agriculture. The key players in the agro are farmers, and the rest are visitors (tourists), and government or institutions. Their role along with their interactions is essential to success in developing agro-tourism. Since the farmer is one of the key players then farmers must learn to try to pick up the opportunity to build and develop their agro-tourism in each of them .. not just wait.

Agro Tourism Belimbing Bojonegoro East Java

So what is the advantage of agro-tourism development for local farmers? Many Oms n Tans: D

1. Agro tourism can bring opportunities for local farmers to increase income and improve their living standards and survival.

2. Be a good tool to educate the public / the public about the importance of agriculture and its contribution to widespread resonance and improve the quality of life.

3. Reducing the flow of urbanization to urban areas because society has been able to get a decent income from its business in the village (agrowisata).

4. Agro-tourism can be a promotional medium for local products, and assisting regional development in marketing the business and creating added value and direct-marking stimulates economic activity and benefits communities in areas where agro-tourism is developed.

Picking apples at Kusuma Agrowisata Batu Malang

The development of agro-tourism will in turn create employment, since this effort can absorb labor from rural communities. So that way they do not need to go to the city or the term wander and leave their parents in the village to look for a job that most of them just become cool midday morning workers and finally they have to be far from the parents need their old and will be closed age. Sad guns hell when our parents are sick, we can not care for them ... when they miss, we are not on their side .. Until until they die we are far from them ... huu..huu..huu ..

With our participation (villagers and local farmers) in the development of agro-tourism we certainly hope to develop a positive interaction in the form of ownership to maintain the existence of the object. Our participation can be done through:

1. Villagers who have land in the area built to keep the land to support the improvement of agricultural products that attract agrotourism and on the other hand will promote ownership and responsibility in the management of the region as a whole.

2. Involve local villagers in activities directly as laborers, both for agriculture and for tourism services, guides and others. For that we as the manager must take steps and efforts to improve knowledge and skills of special labor from the community.

3. Provide facilities and place of sale of agricultural products, handicrafts and souvenirs for the villagers around the area, so as to introduce the local specialty as well as to increase income. In addition, it can also be included in the local art and cultural attractions to be presented to tourists.

In essence, the development of agro-tourism has a dual purpose, including the promotion of our agricultural products, increasing sales volume, helping to increase the income of foreign exchange, helping to increase the income of fishermen and the surrounding communities, in addition to increasing the types and variations of tourism products.

The object of agro tourism should reflect the pattern of Indonesian agriculture both traditional and modern in order to provide a special attraction for visitors. Traveler. In locations or around the location can be held various types of attractions or tourism activities in accordance with the potential of agricultural resources and local culture. Until now, various potential agro-tourism objects have not attracted many visitors, partly because of the limited facilities and infrastructure available and the lack of promotion and marketing to the wider community both inside and outside the country.