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RE: Medical Apartheid

in #life3 years ago

This reads like the plot of a thriller novel, with espionage, government corruption from the local to the highest levels, duped citizens, a minority of thinkers who oppose the creeping regime, the police over-reach, the threats, the evasion of tyranny, and... when will the novel be for sale?



You speak with the authority of those priestesses at Delphi. Don't we know someone called "Oracle Girl"--? Social media has been busy silencing those who dare to challenge the mandates, the "science," the new collective wisdom, the guilt-tripping and demonizing of all who fail to fall into Lock-Step.


Give in to those proposed vaccine mandates and just see where you end up...
I’m deeply concerned that too many people are falling into lockstep with the government’s rhetoric
.... I’ve had a very difficult time explaining to many people how it’s all connected. As in, what does France’s banking overstep have to do with vaccine mandates?’s a succession of events. Start by stripping essential rights from your people under the guise of “protecting” them, fill them with fear, make half the population feel beholden and the other half feel helpless, then slip in a bunch of unconstitutional changes to policy about how people can use their own money, and voila. France 2.0 or worse. Like that $600 tax reporting threshold the U.S. is now looking at.

A house on wheels.... may there ever be safe places to park this house....

Thank you for speaking up! May your audience grow....


Carol, this is the most politically polarizing article I have ever written, and I've written some controversial stuff. I expect fallout from it. But dang... how do you get people to open their eyes? This stuff is ever-so-real, and it affects all of us. Michel and I truly have had some real-world experiences and too-close brushes with the global agenda. I think it would be shameful if we refused to share what we know just because we were afraid. But you know...that's where the world is headed.