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RE: The Miracle Morning

in #life7 years ago

This is really good. I've read several books on personal growth and they all seem to say the same thing, get up early and stay your day with something productive. I myself struggle with getting up early, especially in the winter when it's dark, unless of course it's too go shoot the sunrise or something. I've had times where I've done it and it does make a huge difference in productivity throughout the day.
I think I'm going to challenge myself to start waking up early, as I write this at 12:30 am... I'll start next week. 😊
Thank you


Yea give it a try. As I wrote you just have to get through the first few weeks somehow. Also what helps to build the habit is to start slow, maybe just 30 minutes of miracle morning, which makes it easier. With time it will automatically get longer. That's how it was for me. cheers