Part-1 A summary of the book, You Can Become the Person You Want to Be written by Robert Schuller published 1973

in #life7 years ago (edited)

#Hey guys this is my part- 1 summary of a book that I really enjoyed reading, and that I also wanted to share with you.

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This summary is part 1 of how we can better ourselves if we think positively, and not give up in accomplishing our goals. In this book I found really good sayings, success stories, and Bible quotes that I would like to share with you so it can give you a more positive outlook in life. These are some of the sayings:

“If we do not challenge our personal problems, we will never enjoy the euphoria of a personal triumph.”
“The majority of the people fail not because of lack of talent, money or opportunity; they fail because they never planned it. We should plan our future, because there is where we should live! The absence of our planning will lead to our failure.”
“Let’s pay attention to our big dreams and we will live.”
“After we pay attention to our goals, everything that we need is a good attitude with high standards that develop s possibilities with respect to our problems, and we will triumph.”
“ Do not let yourself be dominated by negative feelings. We do what we do, and never give in to negative emotions.”
This is a list of how to develop a philosophy of assertiveness to be able to solve our problems:

  1. We should detect the problems.
  2. Anticipate in advance the possible problems ahead of time, and try to resolve them within a given time period.
  3. Accept the problems that we are confronted with like that we can reorganize ourselves so we can make the necessary changes because if there is not a problem to resolve we cannot go forward.
  4. We should make prudent decisions, and always have faith in God.
  5. We analyze our problems with enthusiasm.
  6. We organize to outline and solve the diverse aspects, and parts of our problems.
  7. We should talk to people that are knowledgeable enough to help us solve our problems.

Here are some of the examples that the book had of real live situations of people that went through difficult times, and were able to successfully reach their goals:
There was this girl that when she was a child the specialists had told her that she would never be able to go to school nor walk. He had heard a verse from the Bible that someone had told her, and her life changed. The verse is the following:

“..If you have faith like a grain of mustard you would tell this mountain: Go from here to over there, and it will pass; and nothing will be impossible.” (Matthew 17:20.)

After she heard the verse she started thinking, and decided to go to another specialist, and that doctor was a positive thinker, and he helped her build an apparatus so she can walk on her own, and she was able to do it, and she also was able to achieve her bachelor’s degree of Arts at the state University of San Diego. Another miracle that had happened to another handicapped person that was born with only half of his right foot, and his right arm and hand were also deformed but he was able to successfully overcome his handicap condition, and was able to play soccer in middle school, and at the university. They rejected him from the professional quads; but Dempsey’s comment was always to never lose faith and stop doing what he likes to do, and he continued trying, and he was finally contracted as the field goal soccer player for the New Orleans Saints. In one of the games for the first time in history he was able to hit the ball, from the distance of his feet to the net 63 yards (57.33 meters), and until that day the longest field goal in professional soccer was of 56 yards (48.23 meters), but Tom Dempsey was able to break the record. There was another experience of a Dutch boy named, Bert Blyleven, who at the age of 13 years old wanted to become a professional baseball player in the U.S. He and his family emigrated from Holland to the United States together with his father and six brothers and sisters. They assisted Robert Schuller’s church, and Robert was aware that Bert wanted to become a professional baseball player. During one of the summers that he was playing baseball with the Midwestern second division team. A technical director named Bill Rigney from the Minnesota Twins was looking for a young second division player from the Florida training camps, and there was he found Bert Blyleven. A young man that was just nineteen years old saw in him something that he liked, and looked promising, so he told him to fly over to Washington D.C. so he can substitute the place of a baseball player that had gotten hurt, and Bert was able to replace that player from the Minnesota Twins team. In his first game he was able to hit a homerun, and was only 19 years old.

Lack of self-confidence is one of the four principal factors that it is responsible for our failures, and one should overcome that so that we can become the person that we want to become.
Here is another verse from the book of Philippines 4:13:
“I am able to do everything in Christ that fortifies me.”

“Some people accomplish that their disadvantages be the true victims, and others are victims of their disadvantages.”
When we believe that Christ can change our lives, we start to believe that with His power, we can accomplish everything, and like that we can reach all the way to the top.

Mr. Cyrus W. Field had said that, “Yes I can!”, when he was the first to place a cable in the Atlantic Ocean. Everybody thought that it was a crazy and fantastic idea. Another example of a person that was able to achieve his goal is the success story of Tracy Barnes. He was able to fly from one country to another in a helium balloon, and it was the distance of the width of the United States of America. He was able to travel 4.827 kilometers for 5 months from San Diego, California to the Villas in New Jersey. Tracy was floating in the middle of unpredictable currents of air, and had crashed into a mountain peak 160 kilometers east of San Diego. He had spent three days in the hospital with a sprained spine. The aeronaut was only 27 years old when he was able to accomplish his trip in the helium balloon. After he got out of the hospital he had continued his trip in the balloon, and he had lost communication for three days, and got lost in the Rocky Mountains. The whole trip had taken double the calculated time due to unfavorable winds and numerous accidents that he had experienced, but he still accomplished his goal.

There was another successful achievement of a person named, Birt Duncan. He was abandoned as a child by his parents, and had lived in thirteen different foster homes. Most of the times he was so tired and hungry that he would usually fall asleep in class, but still he was able to achieve his goal in being a medical doctor, and he also got a doctored degree in psychology at Princeton University, and graduated as a doctor from the San Diego California University. He being a colored guy made it more difficult, but he did not let that stand in his way, he thought that one cannot control the color of a person’s skin, but one can control the way people think. By thinking that, yes I can do it and that the most important color in the traffic light was green, because that is the one that continues on, and goes forward.
This is another successful story of a girl that got married at sixteen years old, and two years later she had two kids, and she had to get a divorce. She worked in a laundry mat and got a dollar a day, and she had been advised to move to California because it will be better for her there, and with seven dollars in her wallet she took a bus to Los Angeles. She started working washing dishes, and had other different types of jobs saving the maximum amount that she was able to do. When she was able to save four hundred dollars, she got together with her aunt, and started a small factory of making tortillas with a special machine. She used the storage space of the front of the house that she lived in to make the tortillas. When her aunt left the business Romana bought her part of the deal and continued with the business. She started using Mexican products and it became one of the biggest selling businesses of wholesale Mexican products in the nation. It grossed five million dollars a year, and it had more than three hundred employees. She was also able to have her own bank, and she helped establish the National Pan-American Bank of the Eastern part of Los Angeles. Eighty six percent of the clients were Latin-Americans. Romana said to herself, “Yes I can!,” when the specialists were thinking negatively that the north American Mexicans cannot establish their own bank. With the help of the community in selling them the shares she was able to accomplish in establishing the bank even though it took ten to fifteen years, and the project always failed, but not with Romana the project was a success, and now this bank is one of the most prosperous in the Eastern sector of the city of Los Angeles. Romana Bañuelos was chosen by the president of the United States as the 13th treasurer of the United States of America this was back in 1976.

Quotes from the book:
“God believes in us, And God does not make a mistake!”
“God sees us and sees a beautiful person that is waiting to be born. If we can see through a vision at the man that God wants us to be, we will never stay still. We will left ourselves up and try to triumph.”
“Acting with a good attitude consists in doing something with more effort than ever.”
“We will mentally paint a picture of the new me! We should change. We are already changing. We shall be the person that we always wanted to be. We create this.”
We should take out all of the negative things of how we think ourselves of being and replace it with a positive picture of the person that we would like to be.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10 “You did not know that the unfair do not inherit the kingdom of God.”

I hope that you have now more of a positive way of thinking when it comes to reaching your goals. Always try to remember that we are only human, and we make mistakes. The key is to try and learn from our mistakes, and never give up hope or faith in God. I would also like to share two Biblical verses that are my favorite ones, and it says:

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”(John 3:16)
Jesus said: “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”(John 14:6)

This is the end of part 1 of my summary, and I hope you enjoyed it, and please feel free to comment, and or upvote.