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RE: How Effective is Our Prison System?

in #life8 years ago

The book "Three Felonies a Day" touches on this. The average person simply cannot keep up with all the federal, state and local laws. It's impossible, but it's impossible by design. If we just make everything illegal, than we can control and decide who to punish for breaking the law. Its the reason police officers can speed. Its a very selective system, or as George Carlin put it "Its a big fucking club, and you aint in it"


the entire prison system is a sham
having a private industry built around maixmizing imprisonment rates and skimming costs is a recipe for disaster

One of the biggest problems, especially one we face here in my state, we filled the prisons with drug addicts, and now we are running out of room for people who actually need to be in prison, like murderers, rapists and today's pop music icons.
But now they let out the really bad guys, and keep the local pothead locked up, because they have run out of money.
Even worse, these bad laws on drug policy ties up valuable time of the police officers chasing around minor drug offenders, when they should be saving cats from trees and helping little old ladies cross the street.
I don't have a great answer, but I'm smart enough to see what is not working.