Have you ever wanted to copy and paste some file into same directory just for duplicate purposes? that's bad way of doing it.
just hold ctrl key and drag away this file where you want to be saved. just like this
is your desktop so overloaded with files and cant find "My computer"? here is one life saving shortcut Ctrl + E which will bring you there immediately. You will never use My computer double clicks
if you are at work doing some staff except working :D and don't want to be caught out by boss use Windows + D shortcut which brings to desktop immediately. also this is useful when you are playing games with border-less window when it's so hard to drag any file from desktop. for example it's impossible to upload picture anywhere, because when you pick some file to drag and drop border-less windowed game will pop up all the time. so use Windows+D shortcut to stay at desktop, no matter what.
i am not sure if still anyone use right click>rename menu item but still saying use F2 to rename for simplicity purposes
imagine situation when you need screenshot of your desktop, use print screen button then go into paint and paste it there and save from paint. NO! for this use snipping tool
nice and easy no extra steps and clicks just border what you want into your picture and it will be copied into clipboard to use immediately or can be saved anywhere.
if you want nice and easy split screen meaning 2 different windows at the same time on your screen use Windows + (Left or right) Arrow in case where do you want this window to be. and you get nice organised windows like this.
sometimes PC suffers so much when there is memory leak and you want to kill program which causes memory leak and using Ctrl+alt +delete combinations which gives another screen with list items to choose but sometime pc stacks there too. and if you want to exclude this step use ctrl+shift+esc to bring task manager immediately.
have you ever wanted to delete everything from this point to the top or bottom? and start highlighting by dragging mouse up and waiting? for example i want to delete from there to top.
use Ctrl+Shift+Home or End in case you want select top or bottom part.
when you download bunch of test images and they have meaningless names and when you go through you don't know on which one u have stopped. if you want to get them numbered select all items in folder and then rename (using F2) all of them to "N" and you will get N(1) N(2) and so on.
when you are on the keyboard and don't want to waste your time to click on URL field in browser to select and then type site where go to. you can stay on keyboard in that case too by using CTRL+L and it will automatically select URL.
if you want to search exact phrase use
but if you remember most of the words with its position in sentence, but don't remember one of them replace forgotten word with *
only 1 result but exactly what we wanted. cool ha?
if you want to search couple of words at the same time use 🡺 |
if you want the desired words to be in one sentence use &.
see the difference?
include or exclude particular words from search results. with - or + signs
to search on particular site use site:
to search particular extension use filetype:pdf filetype:exe: etc.
if you want to know definition of any word use keyword define: love
you can convert values interchangeably for example write 1 kg in gr
you can calculate mathematical equations just write (3+5)/2
just an example

I knew a lot of them already, but still found some nice thing in here, thanks!