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RE: Struggles of Being An Overthinker

in #life7 years ago

I suffer from this too on occasions. I'd tend to consider all angles and their permutations, and spend a lot of time thinking and thinking. This is not necessarily a bad thing. But it sometimes lead to being indecisive when action is needed.

One of the ways I try to overcome this is to only think about the basics. Like "Will this result in something better, possibly make things worse, or not much impact?" And then just do it.

No point sweating out the small stuff. But it's very hard to not overthink when faced with situations where a wrong decision would have significant negative consequences.


That's an excellent advice and one that I have used time and again myself too. Basically instead of worrying about a decision, we just need to decide whether it's good or not. That's it.

"Balance"..."Moderately"..."Take the middle path" - these should be the way. Including with the tendency to overthink. But it's easier said than done. There's also the matter of habit - overthinking and overanalysing - which requires consistent effort to change.

That is good questions to ask yourself!