Changing? About to change...

in #life7 years ago (edited)

The Universe, which is in continuous expansion, has only one constant: The Change. In the course of a microsecond thousands of galaxies collapse, thousands more are created and millions of stars continually change their structures in order to adapt to the immense cosmic forces to which this Universe to which we belong.

Some Eastern philosophies maintain that the human being is a microcosm, image of the outer cosmos. If this is true, then in this moment and in our being are happening thousands of changes that our conscious can not realize.

And then I ask the question: If the whole cosmos is changing continuously, why sometimes (many more than we want to admit) we resist to follow what seems to be the natural way in which the universe works? Why this tremendous resistance to doing things that we know with all our heart that will undoubtedly improve our existence or, at least, our quality of life? The reason for this entry that opens my blog series about Balance is that at first glance seems to be that being in Balance is to be static, which is very far from reality. In the course of our iteration we will find together some answers about the change.

Fear ... The great enemy.

Now we will perform a small exercise of imagination. Imagine what we want to be, have or do. We spare no effort to build in our mind that wonderful dream that for a long time makes our imagination fly ... Do you already have it? As well! Now mentally "move" that full color image of our dream on the right side of our mind and on the left side let's visualize our current scenario ... Wow! What a difference! what a slump of energy right? And now imagine what we need to do to move from the gray situation on the left to the full color on the right ... And that's when the "ticklish" begins in our stomach that informs us of some danger, and I ask: What danger? And to this question come up to thousands of possible adverse situations that may arise, so many that it seems that despite how gray or tight the current situation might be, it is better than venturing into that wonderful dream that we want. And that, my readers, is the face of fear.

Ancestrally, fear was very useful because it protected us from extreme situations that entailed great dangers ... A saber-tooth that stalked us, a snake that sounded the bell and many other things. At present, it has been proven that many of the things that we fear are not fulfilled but then, that fear is coexisting with us in the form of comfort zone. What happens is that, then the Universe will decide for us, because it if it moves, and it will do it in a way that perhaps is not the one that more agrees to us. It is when episodes and situations in our lives that "move the floor" and force and push us to change, perhaps in the worst way. And then we wonder ... What is the answer?

Faith, Will and ... Action!

And I do not want to say with Faith, that faith that stuck in the prayers. Perhaps we pretend that somehow our Creator will solve the situation and we, only praying will get that dream. There are others of us who neither give the Creator their faith, if not the government in turn and thus, without even praying, we try to obtain what is dreamed. However irksome they are, these forms of faith have an "advantage": If my dreams are not fulfilled and I do not get what I want, I have at least one to blame. This does not mean that we do not ask the Lord for our dreams or that we do not demand from our government our rights. What it means is that it is not enough. So what faith do I mean? ... How about the Faith in myself? How am I going to get that dream? In that there really are not all those adverse situations that I imagine? Do not I deserve that wonderful dream? Yes, of course! And it is this type of Faith that allows us to have the second component of our formula. The Will makes us persevere in carrying out those things that we must accomplish to achieve our dreams, because I say them at once: It may not be possible at first. And it is this Will that gives us the fuel for Action. And with this we become to something very powerful: Agents of Change in our world!

Conclusion. (Or beginning?)

Dare to change is not easy ... the first time. But when we allow ourselves to begin to change, it will give us an addiction to it and we will ask ourselves: How was it possible that I lived in that way before? And the most important thing: we will live in balance and peace with ourselves, in harmony with the cosmos and above all, at the end of our life we

can say ... I did it!

So... Are you ready to change?

Hugs to all!