Virgin?? ARE YOU ??

in #life8 years ago

Virginity ,what is that ?
Nowadays was a sign of purity but as we see , there is not a such thing in our world , this word became the opposite under the name of development may be , virgins becomes now ALIENS and complex people .


Now , it's enough that the boy becomes a boyfriend , it's like a HUSBAND, he gets the same value and rights .
Which it's so WRONG to me because it's not logic , away from what religions says , adverse effects for losing virginity at an early age include lower chance of economic stability, lower level of education, social isolation, marital disruption and greater medical consequences. These medical consequences consist of an increase in STD s , cervical cancer, pelvic inflammatory disease, fertility and unwanted pregnancies. If we want to know , not just Islam but also Christianity refers in the Bible to the virgin as a woman that she never got married , which means no sexual intercourse .
Everybody knows the results , single mothers in most of the time that they represent now 49% (never married) . Not just that but the bay needs a family whatever what his mother gave him there still a hole that it will never fed up .
I am not try to humiliating nobody , just trying to understand why the body becomes so cheap that anybody who talk sweet and LOOK like "YEAH THAT'S THE ONE" , and I say CLEARLY "LOOK LIKE" .
I am just saying that our bodies are such a blessing that we should take care of .
If you don't think so I am ready to listen to your opinions , and know more may be .


Accurate written by you. upvoted