Forgive me for not comprehending this situation fully, but what prevents you from using those thousands to potentially just secure a new place to live? Or is the rent control price just much cheaper than anything else. Was getting roommates ever an option?
Regardless of any answers to the above, I just want to say that no matter how bad the economy sucks, how shitty work circumstances might be, how bad your immediate future might seem, how crappy the thought of having to pay back-rent or being homeless or having to depend on others might seem, well the only thing that will really be able to defeat you is you, at least if you live in a country where there are usually options available if you look for them.
Yes, it sucks ass that you live in a country where healthcare is a sad joke and insurance is a giant sucking sound heard well above the health of the economy and the welfare of its citizens. It's just a fact that about half of all bankruptcies are the result of something medical related.
It's another fact that even with insurance, about half of long-term care scenarios ended with insurance coming up with some excuse to drop the patient.
I want you to live, for selfish reasons. I want you to live so you can be a living testament to how shit this all is, how terrible it is that labor is so weak in America these days and how easily the individual can be trampled on in the workplace, how readily our citizens are abandoned by the system at the first signs of illness, how no one cares about you unless you're performing at maximum productive output, how friends turn their backs once the first signs of struggle are smelled, how you're told to feel like shit for not reaching unrealistic expectations and bucking the trend set by forces much larger than you as an individual, forces that could only be turned by collective action, a combined force of will that we've been trained since birth to forget we have access to, the notion that we as a group can overcome the problems that we as individuals face everyday if only we were to understand that the root of all these ills could actually be dealt with if only we were to stop our bickering and infighting for long enough to understand that our struggles are not unique and our fight is not our own.
I want you to live and understand that you are not alone and were never alone.
I want you to live and grow and harness something other than self-pity or self-loathing, they only get you so far. Do not be ashamed to be in your situation. You are not alone.
One day at a time.
Take it one day at a time.
We have one chance to experience life, unless you believe in reincarnation.
Depression is a helluva drug. I want you to kick its ass in the face.
You'll pull through this.
There are fates far worse than homelessness. Scrape up enough and you can couch-surf.
Appreciate all the positivity.., and support @charitybot!