I think crime is still an issue in areas with income and wealth inequality. Until those are addressed there will always be issues with there being little to no options for the poor.
We can see this play out in the digital world where there are a few that have a lot and some of the many that have not so much clamor for a chance to get anything they can. Because of such a wealth distribution, and because the wealthy need not redistribute their wealth in a highly inefficient system there are only a few ways for the poor to try to pry that wealth away.
Hence the explosion of scammers, hackers, and in steemit's case spammers and fishers and hackers trying to obtain anything they can get their hands on.
How do you explain the fact that rates of poverty worldwide have declined by more than 80% in the last several decades?
Yes, there are still poor, and that’s very problematic, but an 80 percent reduction in less than 50 years is something to be celebrated, no?
The productivity explosion of material goods production on the back of an unsustainable system isn't healthy. Agricultural yield increases and trade deals have screwed over millions of farmers. Place like India saw over double digit yoy food price inflation. Many of the stronger nations dump their food on poorer countries and this type of economic attack cripples nations' domestic food production as they switch to cash crops, and their sensitivity to commodity price changes can lead to food shortages and outright starvation.
There are things to be celebrated, sure, but we can't dismiss the fact that the gains have not affected everyone so fairly, and it's not something that can be continued in such a way for much longer.