Chills!!! I waited for this read all week and you never disappoint me with this amazing tale. Dear lord!!!!! Hmmmmm hmmmm hmmmm uncke boom missed seeing a lion, Lady Winnifred was not Boomy type of woman and a peasant agreed to have a drink with a gentleman!!!! A peasant ???? Hmmmm am sure that it will be his last drink!!! However, a gentleman never tells!!! Upped, always. Keep up the good work.
A gift to uncle Boomy ...Lion
A gentleman never does!! Silly peasant. He might not have quite the hangover he was expecting! hehe
Hahahah ....guess that them peasants never make you happy, I attached 3 Lionesses for your eyes only.. look up. But shhhhhh a gentleman never tells.
Lol, lionesses indeed!
Lol, welcome. Feel free to pay a gent a visit, you are always welcome on my page. I wish you, your children and the good lady a happy weekend.