Do Ouija Boards Really Work?

in #life8 years ago

Hello all, so today we're going to be talking about a rather controversial topic that has been discussed for centuries and will be in the years to come. Are spirits real and if not, how does an Ouija board actually work?

Many people have claimed that they've witnessed a ghostly presence, however being someone who has never experienced such a thing, I am a little skeptical. There are many scientific and rational explanations for what may seem like a ghostly encounter; the Ouija board being one of them.

If you don't know how one works, you place your fingers on a counter on the board and pose a question for a ghostly presence to answer. The counter should move towards either the, 'yes,' or, 'no,' or to a series of letters, spelt out to make a word, thus forming an answer. However, although many have tried this, there is actually a scientific reason behind why the counter moves - and no, it is not a ghost!

I'm not a scientist myself (unless getting a grade B at GCSE science a few years ago counts), so I can't vouch for this information, but according to, 'The Nerdist,' :

"The ideomotor effect says that people can move or move something without their conscious mind realizing it. In the case of the Ouija board, if you really want the answer to a question to be yes and your partner knows it, you could both push the planchette to “YES” without either of you consciously applying any force. (And if you think you can ever keep your hands completely still, try keeping a laser pointer’s dot perfectly motionless.)"

---- Source:

So, we finally have answer to the question humans have been baffled over for years. Although it doesn't prove that ghosts don't in fact exist, it does put my mind at rest. The human body truly is a strange but wonderful thing!

I hope you enjoyed reading this post and found it interesting. If so, please give it an upvote and a resteem as it really helps me out. I mean, what do you have to lose! I’d also love it if you left a comment down below telling me whether you believe in ghosts or not, and if you want to read similar posts in the future, follow my blog! As always, thanks so much for taking the time to read my post. I hope that where ever you are in the world, you have a wonderful night/ day. Disclaimer: All the images used in this post were found on Google Images.


I fully believe that they work, I had one very strange and scary night with some friends and a Ouija board, it was a very scary night and now looking back, if I were to describe what happened I reckon no one would really believe it. We summoned a guy who had committed suicide, he was quite angry!