Its quite interesting that the crucial job you should be doing is one that no one will notice, there is no way that they could, you could even say that it's also the the job that should never end, should never be completely done.
The journey of becoming the best that you can be, the path that leads you to attracting the right kind of people to your side, real friendships, healthy relationships and effective partnerships, starts by taking the time to know yourself, it starts with being comfortable with your needs and wants and having a clear idea of the things you don't want in your life.

One of my favorite quotes comes from a Philosopher from a different time, but yet his words are as true now as they have ever been.
As much as the quote seems simple many of us avoid time with ourselves, attempt to find distractions as much as possible as to not think of the most important things, the most pressing matters in our life.
Where am I? Where do I want to be? should be questions we ask ourselves daily and when you realize, when this truth finally clicks in, that you are responsible for where you are in your life, when you stop blaming your current situation to circumstances and understand that you are not powerless, that is when change starts to happen.
Hope everyone is having a beautiful Sunday...
Success to you all
Great idea! Knowing yourself is like knowing how to operate your vehicle or your weapon. You can't win without learning first about your equipment that you need in battle.
Great Posting. Thanks
The best thing that a man can do to his life is to follow and obey the ONE Who created him for this is the whole duty of man.
Pls help upvote this post for my friend's father's heart. This is one of my job, to HELP.
Done. All the best!
Don't spam off-topic links.
According to my Jesuit instruction, Christianity is one of the most powerful religions of individualism.
Wow. I've felt that but have never been able to put it like that. Yet I still sin, sin, sin and and am forgiven, forgiven...thank you for that post.
I m 100% agree with your opinion.
very well said
Citation needed.
Beautiful .. yes fact
We should be grateful for the opportunities of life
Thanks for sharing tips with us
Love a bit of Sunday night inspiration :-)
Thanks for sharing
it is totally true, you are the best guide of your life, the owner of your thoughts and feelings, you only owe your goal, what you are passionate about, what you want and what you really need, focus and put your heart into it, happy sunday
Simple truth here and very important to realize this. Thanks for this post, sometimes a few well-put-together words like this can really make a difference in a person's perspective.
Promoting positivity and being true to ourselves is definitely needed in today's world. Thanks! See you around :)
Never runaway from the situation, or think what if. Adapt in the situation, because you might be privileged to have a situation like that,and another might not be. Have a cool mind, I am sure then anyone can tackle any kind of situation :-)
agreed with you , best post i have seen ever thanks alot #positive thinking
Damn it's hard to spend time with yourself these days. Instagram, SnapChat, Amazon, emails, ESPN, Spotify, Groupon..the list goes onnnnnn. Shit, not to mention just hanging out with friends and family. Hyper connectivity and consumerism won't stop, those machines don't want you to spend time with yourself and find out who YOU REALLY ARE, cause if you did take a moment to look inside, you would most likely find that not everything is what it seems. You will find what @chbartist is referring to in this post, that life can be SO MUCH MORE when you take the time to really get to know yourself.
Great post man.
@mandogbeard just love ur facetious reply ... hahah haha hahahaha :D
SM platforms are designed to be addictive; dings, notifications, popups ... small doses of an action, done enough times becomes addictive, like toking or drinking!! :O
Technology is good if we use it effectively, however when technology consumes us, that's when we need 2 break the habit and for many, tis hard 2 break a habit
thank you for a nice article about the difficulty of life @ Chbartist
Agree 100% !! Good posts give life a lot of inspiration. That the key to success is within us, then we should introspect ourselves ....
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Most important things: LIve happily without worries!
Very inspiring, sometimes the journey of attracting the best in life sometimes bring key people to someone life. Good post, keep it up.
Great post! Very much motivation in it. Thanks for sharing. 👍
I've been preparing a nice work on Steemit Game News,art and entertainment So please follow me if you want to know more about Steemit ame News,art and entertainment
I wish I saw this post in the morning so maybe I could spend time not working on Sunday, taking time off to myself. I agree with you and, I would like to make an addition to what you have said, time is your most valuable asset in life. Use efficiently and invest time!
Wow ... Tips that are valuable to me. I just heard her ... Thank you @chbartist
Wow.. nice tips.. very inspirational.. thanks alot for sharing @chbartist
First of all personal satisfaction is much needed . Then paths are visiblw which one can easily choosed but it also depends upon the people around you as it is necessary because right people will lead you to the right path.
Why would you spend 242 steem on up voting to get 333sbd of votes. After 75% thats only around 250 steem. A lot of risk over 8 steem profit if you ask me.
I think it's just promotion... He I upvoting everyone and buying a ton on steem on a bear market... I say we try to see the good side of this... I don't know anyone who has bought 10k of Steem this week and fed it right into the blockchain
Great post Love me some Emerson!
Surround yourself with good people, people of great heart, soul and spirit, simple people, humble, good vibes and positive attitude. They are the best company. And work on that, to be their best company too. That is the job that should never end.
great motivational post. thanks sir @chbartist for sharing this post, keep it up 😊
Really deep and well said, thank you @chbartist.
I am got inspired from you, I don't know where from you but honestly I will say, your transaction made me like shivering...
thanks for sharing
good post :) great man @chbartist
yes i agree every one needs to find time to know them selfs and to know what they would like to do in there life, also i think that most people do jobs that what other people like family or friends told them do because they think its better for them but thats not true sometimes ... very nice post
Indeed, I'm agree with your comment!.
Yes dude you right I follow your tips thanks to share with us dude
what a wonderful post. I always read your blog. very inspiring as always :) thank you @chbartis
Everybody needs time for themselves. I was always finding excuses and distractions and I never really thought about what i was going to do in life until about half a year ago. I really got scared about the future when I realized I had been wasting my time all those years but since I started having quality time with myself, knowing myself, my strengths, and weaknesses, I'm not scared of the future anymore.
you got it man
Thats true. I wonder if most people need more practical advice how to archive that.
know thyself.
Surrounding yourself with great people is the second step to achieve great in life after having a particular mindset.
Short post but I have to agree you're right. Nice quote too @chbartist good job!
Great post man! Thanks for sharing.....
Inspiring post @chbartist you made. I completely agree. Once we realize who we are , who we want to be, we shall do the best we can with heart and soul and the dedication
Powerful post. The thing is (at least in the western world) we have it better now than any other time in history. The world is relatively peaceful now compared to different points in history . And our medicine, communication, and transportation has is more advanced than ever before. In other words people are more empowered than ever before to do something with their lives.
The issue in my opinion is this notion of 'keeping up with the joneses'. Looking back on my experiences when I was finishing high school the norm in my community was go on to university and do your undergrad. The idea of a victory lap in high school or taking some time off was out of the question. So many friends of mine ended up going to university not with a goal in mind but because it was the respectable decision. And this issue of living your life to earn respect from others rather than doing what makes you happy is one of the biggest problems which people face today.
Hopefully if more people read posts like yours and manage to take a step back from the "daily grind" and think about the important things in life, such as what their goals are and what they really want to do then they will find genuine happiness.
@Benjamin852, well said my dear chap :) ... you are so correct that most tend 2 make decisions to please others for fear of disappointing them rather than pursuing what is meaningful.
This fear is normal which can be traced to how the human brain is wired; to belong to the tribe one must do as the tribe does. This is a lower brain or what I call 'reptilian brain' function - that is, our basic needs for food, shelter, love, sex and belonging drives most of our decisions, and that's why many will follow the herd.
From my readings, 3% will be rule breakers and do what makes their heart sing or soul fly!! To forge a new path of resistance one has 2 possess COURAGE and be willing to hear -'ve comments from others while still having the guts to BELIEVE in themselves enough to dance their own drums
@chbartist well inked and all points noted. Love, "The journey of becoming the best that you can be, the path that leads you to attracting the right kind of people to your side, real friendships, healthy relationships ......" CLARITY is key and your post reminds me of Shakespeare's famous quote:
Thank you!
Every one has their own powerful in them. If we have passionate and pay attention to what we want to achieve in life. Real powerful is come from inside of ourself not from other. Thank you for your words
Your words worth more than bitcoin, after understating myself it's second step to work on family. Because life starts from home not from office or job.
This is a very good positive post.
In this day to day life everyone is suffering from pain,sadness.
Even i don't even know when i was the last time i was truly happy.
This post is surely motivational.❤
Nice content
Thank you.
That's true!!!.
Couldn't agree more! We should be devoted to ourselves and realise we are the only creators of our life and happines. We are the ones who decide what are we going to do and how we are going to do that. We need to know what are our goals in order to achieve them and we should definitely remove toxic persons from our lives!
All in all, great post! :)
Very intelligent post. Thank you for positive energy for the next week.
Everyone should have a chosen goal in life. When we do not have them, we do not take any action. In my opinion, everyone is able to achieve success only need is to be patient and hardworking! Great post, best regards!
Nice post. Until you take out time to truly discover who you are and chase your passion, life will be meaningless.
When you nurture positive energy and constantly motivate your subconscious, success is inevitable ... In one form or another, the subconscious works to the benefit, without feeling, to the success that we want to achieve :)
interesting, never heard of this philosopher, but I agree with this quote
Thanks for this message. Very helpful indeed . We all need to do this job. Although it might be difficult for many of us, it could give many beautiful fruits. 1 week
this post as requested!
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Absolutely correct. We are called to serve. To serve you have to give. To give you have to have something (yourself) you can not give what you do not have. Invest in yourself and serve others.
great post!