I'M BACK....

in #life8 years ago

So I’m back....

I have not written for 3 months and have tried to go Cold Turkey from steemit as I don’t believe it will make anybody rich other than the insiders.
But what it does do is give one a platform from which to scream....
And today I wish to let it out.
I want to talk about the retarted postal election in Australia, regarding gay marriage.
Now, first of all I wish to state up front I absolutely do not give two shits a care who ANYONE marries or has a relationship with. Man I don’t care if you screw chickens....chicken hawk.jpgjust keep it to yourself.
But what blows me away is the fact that the public are still falling for this government marketing campaign. The one that reinforces the state and religious alignment.
In todays so called enlightened world do people really still believe that if a official head in government writes something on a piece of paper and puts a official looking stamp on in, that it makes it instantly ok with the universe and the creational forces.
Are humans that retarded to believe that ticking a box Yes or No make a difference in reality other that to reinforce the paper matrix that imprisons us all.
Have we all lost our marbles?
Does anyone truly believe this matters in the grand scheme of things.
Next thing we will all believe that the DPRK is ruled by a chubby dude that looks like his mother and father were siblings.
Come on guys Wake Up.


Hello cheeky! Glad to see you back!

Thank you for resteeming my post

Thanks Tammy....its been a while.
Nice to hear from you