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RE: The Man Who Thinks The Earth Is Only 6,000 Years Old

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Belief and reason are the two important things as far as spiritual being is concerned. We must keep them in balance and order to stay safe and positive.

Belief doesn't need any proof and reason is always on the side of evidence. Reason always wants concrete proof to believe in any thing. But belief knew no bounds of any kind.

When we truly believe in anything it's truth for ourselves and nothing amount of reason can waver our stand and thoughts. You are not wrong in considering Earth much younger than science validates.

Well, for me I am always at the side of Belief because it gives me strength and wisdom. Spiritual happiness comes only through strong belief. But as far as life of Earth is concerned I am with reason as science has some strong evidence to prove its mettle.

All said and done, we should rather focus our energies to make our beautiful mother Earth a better place to live in. We all should consider our ways and doings to our beautiful nature.

Thank you @humanearl for a thought provoking blog.


OF course there are more important things to focus on but my point was just stating that since that it what I have been studying. I am always trying to learn more about our world and our existence here.