Ya absolutely stopping masturbation will improve energy level both physically and mentally. But stopping should not be confused with suppressing. According to modern science masturbation is absolutely fine as long as we are doing it in a healthy way. Now what is healthy way.
Point no. 1.... don't suppress.... Point no. 2...... don't over do. Now the question arises how many times per day or week. This depends on person to person. For example the amount of food we require or we consume varies according to age and physic. So we eat food to overcome our hunger. But if we will eat more only for test then it is harmful. Same for masturbation. The moment any body realize that he is over doing for test only , he/she should try to distract his/her mind from masturbation and engage any thing else that also give him pleasure and not any bad habit. Without suppressing it we can also convince our brain about the definition of real pleasure. Suppose you have lost your most lovable thing and trying to find it for days ..... imagine the pleasure you will get after getting back. But will you go for searching for that again. No. Because your desire is over. Once you got back the thing you have a permanent peace. But why we need masturbation repeatedly for getting pleasure. And no single time we get satisfaction for ever. This is because masturbation create a false impression of pleasure . So over doing is always harmful . And as you mentioned for stopping it is absolutely fine as long as there is no suppression. Thank you for this good article.
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