I've always gravitated to the villain and the anti-hero/outcast even now that's still my favourite story arcs and I love to see how those characters develop when they are faced with societal norms and breaking barriers. I think I've always been one for a disruption.
I was named after a revolutionary man Che for a reason lol
It's funny how in this world of billions it still takes one man or woman with unrelenting believe and resolve in what they see making changes. They just keep pushing on be it a good or bad ideology and people will eventually gravitate and thats how movements are formed and changes are brought about.
I understand what you mean) I think that in addition to courage and determination to confront something bright, society, the villain is more than anyone else who goes through the drama, carries it inside himself. I think that behind the image of many villains is a sad story, which serves as a trigger.
Now the image of the Grinch came to mind) do you remember what happened to him in childhood? lol
Perhaps this is what attracts us, we bring it closer to the villains? Because in the lives of many people there were sad and dramatic moments.