I think we all go through periods of self doube even the most confident of people because we are impatient we think happiness and goals we want should be instant and focus on the destination not rhe journey i too am guilty of this and it gets me down and i need to remind myself why i made these decisions and evaluate if they are still the correct ones
A little support even from a stranger can be enough to lift the spirits and keep going once again so thank you
It seems your journey has produced many profound lessons for you
Yes, it is a learning lesson isn't it? Of course being impatient is a huge battle for many (if not all) of us!
I think it would be an incredible experiment to see everyone trying their best to be in the journey and support others on that path, whether they be strangers or friends, but our world is very high paced with a desire for instant gratification like you mentioned.
Each lesson we go through (even if we feel we made a choice we would change if given the chance) is here to shape us, make us stronger and build our resiliency, so we're all learning.
Yes, for sure, I have had the opportunity from this lifetime for many lessons to come my way and I am very sure many more are to come! ;)