First Trimester Medical Termination (Abortion) - An Insider's Story on Women's Health in America

in #life5 years ago

FOREWARNING: You are entitled to your opinion and I welcome that and mature discussion/ debate. Hate talk or immaturity will be downvoted. Thanks.

Yes, that is a fetus and a blueberry. At 7 weeks old, a fetus is roughly the size of a blueberry, has a heartbeat, and organ/nervous system development beginning. However, it is next to impossible to detect future fetus health at this stage. This is my story

I knew at 4 weeks I was pregnant. I am in a serious relationship and we discussed at length the pros and cons of continuing or discontinuing this pregnancy. We both come from Christian backgrounds though I do not consider myself a "Christian" rather a spiritual empath & HSP (highly sensitive person.)

I am on a medication regime for my depression and PTSD of which these meds adversely affect early fetal development in ways to include mental retardation, malformation, heart problems, slow development, developmental delays, increased likelihood of SIDS, etc. These possibilities sealed our decision to obtain a medical termination at the local women's clinic. This clinic deals with first trimester pregnancies only.

We immediately realized how underfunded these clinics are. It was overcrowded, understaffed, & their technology was behind the times. And of course there were protestors that infuriated us. These protesters are uninformed & that's an understatement. There were women in there with MS and other health conditions that prohibited pregnancies and could kill or greatly harm the baby or mother's health. My partner, with quick wit, said:

Why don't you pull the log out of your own eye before you try to pull the splinter out of someone else's

That shut them up pretty quick. On my first visit I tested pregnant but they couldn't find anything on the ultrasound that I later learned was an old, outdated machine.

Thanks D. Trump

I was told to come back in two weeks. This caused us emotional turmoil. Upon the second visit the doctor came in and even he couldn't find anything and said he was afraid I may have a "tubal"; AKA ectopic pregnancy and I should go to the ER immediately. So, we did.

The ER staff were very surprised the "women's clinic" couldn't find anything as they quickly & efficiently found the now 6.5 week old fetus.

I was quick to call the women's clinic and tell them this news. They got me in relatively quick but by then my fetus was 7 weeks. I was feeling sick and emotional almost all the time at this point. It was discovered I had a Subchorionic hematoma at the ER and a fibroid which is hereditary in my family. These issues could be why the women's clinic couldn't find anything with their old equipment.

Third clinic visit: This time I had a different doctor at the clinic who found the fetus quickly on the ultrasound.

I might add the ER visit was not free and I currently do not have health insurance. Furthermore, the clinic charges $150 for "labs" & $450 for access to the medication to induce a medical termination & do not accept healthcare insurance. So that's $600 right there. Ouch!

I researched the meds I would be given. It's never a bad thing to be self informed. You are given mifepristone to stop fetal growth & cause detachment from uterine wall. You are informed to take the second medication misoprostol exactly 24 hrs later. It is taken by letting it dissolve in your cheeks for 30-40 minutes then to swallow what's left.

I felt better following the first med but to "pass" the fetal and other tissue the second med is necessary. It caused almost immediate severely painful cramping for about 2-3 hours.

Was it worth it? Yes. We were not financially or emotionally ready for a child. We were not willing to risk having a child born with severe health issues due to medications I take that cannot be stopped "cold turkey."

It's not a crime to do this but it shouldn't be so expensive or frowned upon to do it either. It is ashamed how underfunded these places are. They literally had FOUR employees for dozens of women. I do believe if it weren't for this they would've taken more time with me and found my pregnancy sooner. It's frankly disheartening and very emotionally charged to have to wait so long because of the underfunding issue.

Has anyone else dealt with this? How is your local women's clinic? Again, comments and debate welcome. Antagonistic/ nasty spirited comments will be downvoted. So if you don't have anything "nice" to say just pass on by. Thanks for "listening" to my story. :)


I have never experienced it myself but I have had friends in a similar situation, I do believe only the parents in this situation can decide what is best for them
I like how he handled the protestors By the way

You're right

People seem to go to the extremes when this topic comes up. I hope my position is more reasonable. I think its a valid medical procedure in certain situations. I don't think it should be a primary means of birth control and not something done for convenience.

I appreciate you sharing this very personal situation. I also appreciate the thoughtful manner with which you both made this decision.

Wishing you health and happiness as you continue your journey.

Hey girl, sorry to hear this, caught this post on the late side I guess. 600$ is much cheaper than living with a permanent decision like having a child.
Canada the land of the free yet again I guess.
Miss you, big hug.