
Sure, crypto can't help everyone, but it might be able to help some. A lot of the homeless I'm seeing are younger than me so there is much more likely a chance that they can use and have an easier learning curve to something which might help them. For the older ones that grew up in times without using a computer then something based on what they are interested in and place them in an environment where they can learn and develop that interest and skills and get some remittance from it they could trade for everything they are currently without.

Money is an interesting concept in itself. Funny enough, I remember I think in economics class we learned about this one culture where they used these huge sandstone discs with a hole in the middle, for money.

Why did they do that? I don’t know, I think maybe so it would be harder to steal money. The stones were never moved, bu everyone know who owned them.

So I guess different money systems have their advantages and disadvantages. Some are better at solving certain challenges associated with money, whether it be liquidity, making it harder to steal, making it easier to carry, etc.

That rings a bell. Yeah ultimately money's worth is what society decides it is

Yes and traditionally this was associated with finite resources like gold and silver, which actually are worth something. They are cemented into history and all of human history as a resource that holds it's worth. Unlike this infinite fiat currency which can be magicked out of thin air. The only good thing about fiat currency is it's 100% failure rate.

Fiat money is crazy if you think about it. It means that there is no intrinsic value to the money itself, or it is negligible. Back in the day, when people used to have silver and gold money, now that seems to make more sense, because those metals have intrinsic value.

You can actually use them for something. But still, they are also a bit fiaty, because I mean, you are probably not gonna go and melt the gold you got for your sheep or whatever and use it for a filling in your tooth. I guess the only real non-fiat situation is where you barter. In other words, I give you three sheep for one month’s accommodation, or I give you 10 loaves of bread in exchange for 1 kg of coffee beans. Some people still do this to avoid tax I think.

Like even as a kid i would wonder why we had to use paper to pay for things. "Oh bevause it is backed by gold"then why can't i have the gold instead mommy ? "You just can't"Yeah, ive often pondered that conundrum with fiat money @pjcswart

Oh the future "burden" ill have if my kid is as inquisitive as i am. Lol.

Bartering would be nice to avoid taxes though

Yeah kids can be very smart sometimes but in a cool way. Like they don't have the other baggage that we have in our thinking. Innocence is powerful you know....