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RE: On My Way To The Mayo Clinic

in #life8 years ago

I'll be praying for you!

"Let the peace of God rule in your heart" (Col. 3:15), and know that "all things are working together for good to them that are called according to his purpose" (Romans 8:28).

God doesn't necessarily cause sickness in our lives, but He will certainly use it. My pastor told me once that "if it breaks you then it's good." It's hard to hear that in the suffering of course, but it's true. Suffering brings the glory in our lives.

If you look up these words in the Bible, you will see so many Scriptures that mention these two words together. That's because they go hand in hand. The level of glory we are at in our walk with Him is directly tied to the suffering that we allow. Now I can start preaching, and explaining what I mean by this, but I'll just try to keep it short this time. :)

I know how difficult this kind of situation is, unfortunately. My mother passed away a year ago due to colon cancer. Now, don't be scared by that, okay? It was her time to go be with Jesus. I also know several people, even with stage 4 cancer, that God healed completely! The doctors said there was no way my friend Rick would live, but he is still alive and kickin' today!! Jesus is still in the business of healing. Be encouraged today!
