As an alternative to conventional medicine, people often choose the path of spiritual healing medicine. Spiritual healing medicine incorporates spirit minerals, which are stones and crystals that are believed to contain energy that protect and heal different parts of the body. However, no scientific evidence indicates that spirit minerals affect the thyroid.
The thyroid is a gland located below the voice box that produces the hormones thyroxine, or T4, and triiodothyronine, or T3. The thyroid plays a role in a number of functions in your body, including regulating body temperature, controlling metabolism and increasing the use of oxygen by cells. In addition, it’s also involved in regulating calcium, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.
Hypothyroidism is a condition in which your thyroid gland doesn’t produce a sufficient amount of T3 and T4. As a result, symptoms may appear such as fatigue, increased sensitivity to cold, sluggishness and muscle weakness. In more severe cases, hypothyroidism may progress to goiter, an enlarged thyroid, according to the Mayo Clinic. Spirit minerals are often touted as effective for treating hypothyroidism and improving thyroid function.
Spiritual healing medicine has no standard definition, according to researchers at the University of Cape Town in Africa. Instead, spiritual healing medicine is often referred to as traditional medicine, which incorporates diverse practices that may use mineral-based treatments to heal or prevent a disease. Since the use of spirit minerals is spiritual in nature, it cannot be measured quantitatively in a study. As a result, no scientific studies exist regarding the impact of spirit minerals on the thyroid.
According to Healing Works, there are a number of spirit minerals that promote thyroid healing and function. The spirit mineral aquamarine is believed to strengthen the thyroid, and the spirit mineral lapis lazuli helps activate the thyroid gland. These spirit minerals are normally placed on the thyroid gland for a period of time for the healing effects to take place.
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