Some woman reach a point in their lives where the need to have a baby is strong.
I have a few tips for those who are thinking of having a baby.
- Make sure your body is ready:
Before falling pregnant your body should be in the best physical health as possible. Your heart, lungs and cells are going to be working overtime to sustain you and your baby. So be kind to your body you only get one.
- Take Vitamins:
Its important to start taking vitamins before you fall pregnant so as to build a reserve for when the baby grows.
You do not need the most expensive supplement but one that includes the following is essential.
- Folic Acid
- Calcium
- Iron
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D
These are essential to the growth of your baby and keeping your health up.
- Communicate with your partner:
Having a baby does not fix a relationship!
If you and your partner have issues with communication do not think it will improve after a baby. It can worsen and then there is a child in the middle.
You and your partner need to understand that you will snap, over react, say and do things that they may not like. It will take both of you to keep it together.
Understand that this change effects your partner, you and the child do not take it lightly. It is a life long commitment and you will never be the same after it. You both need to realize that while the old you is still there the new you is more important.
- Be emotionally ready:
The heart and the mind are funny things. They are opposites yet on rare occasions the can be synchronized.
Make sure your heart and mind are together on this, the financial cost, the emotional strain and the rewards that come from it.
You do not want to end up pregnant with second thoughts.
There is not quite a feeling in the world that compares to holding your own little one. To know you helped create something so precious and pure.
To all those moms to be, either through conceiving or adoption: enjoy every moment.
To those who are struggeling or have lost: those tiny souls live on in your heart.
Remember you will always be a mother to those around you.
Wxxwllent post about the rigorous life of pregnancy and motherhood... Nice cutty baby@cherryblossom-sa
Yes it is very exciting but so worth it.
Sure...keep it coming and join me in my froggy delicacy...check out my new posts...thanks
Very great and accurate points made in your posts. I am currently pregnant with my third and have to say whew! it sure is an emotional journey that teaches you a lot about Self. This is especially true when you recognize that in this new relationship you are not just the teacher but also the teacher. These little minds have so much to teach us that we have forgotten due to the hustle and bustle of "life"!!
I agree completely! I had my third 10 months ago, wouldn't change it for the world. Just recently taken some time to do just that, get away and reconnect with my family. Its hard being a mother and assisting to provide.
@cherryblossom-sa I am also a mom and I agree with you! and being a mom is one of the top and noble jobs in the world that is very hard to replace. I have followed and upvoted you. keep inspiring people.Thanks for sharing!
Always good to hear from other mothers, thanks for the vote will go look at your account. :)
Being a mother is a great blessing. Excellent your post, we must prepare the body and our mind to assume that great responsibility, because we no longer have to think only in one, there is a priority that is the baby. Greetings and blessings.
Exactly my feeling, once there is a baby your responsibility increases and so does your love.
This post was very informative thank you for sharing
you have my upvote
Keep smiling, reading, writing and voting!!!
Glad you could get something from it. Thank you.
I'm man so i'm not very very concerned aha but good article, all future mom need to see it !
Quentin, France ✌
Yes being a man helps, but its a good to know for any future events, you will be there too.
Yes sure, know i'm 20 so I have time aha bit for the future to help my partner in this step is good to know ;)
Nice post @cherryblosdom-sa.
Thank you.
You got my vote and a resteem :]
Thank you
great post
Appreciate it.
very informative thank you so much
I hope so, thank you.
nice post