We love to think about what could be. The endless possibilities. We can be anything, do anything when we are in our mind. The hard part for most is translating these thoughts into actions and results.
It is so much easier to think about your dreams then do something about them. So it is only natural that most humans go through their entire lives on Earth without figuring out what their dreams and/or purpose for life was.

For me this is unacceptable. I do not want people to be lying on their death beds thinking about "what if." That is such a sad way to go, and is one of the main reasons why I have been helping people with their dreams for roughly seven years now.
We have all these thoughts, but how do you figure out what your dreams are ?
It may sound simple but all you need to do is:
Break the pattern of your life.
That routine you are in. Stop it. Those same activities you have been doing for years. Time to try something new. In order to figure out what your dreams are, you must break the pattern of your life.

Step outside your comfort zone and starting trying all types of new things. Start consuming different types of content. Try different activities you have never done before. Travel to new places and meet new people.
All this is needed to get your body into the right vibrations in order to finally figure out what you are supposed to do with your life.
I know this may sound extremely scary, but so is the thought of you lying on your death bed with regret.
If you are reading this you alive at this very moment. That means you have time to change. Time to figure out what your dreams are. Time to fulfill your life purpose.

And even better you have a perfect vehicle to enact change.
That is what this community is all about. Finding yourself and helping others on their journey through quality comments, content, and curation.
Hope this helps you even just a little on your path to figure out what your dreams are. Wish you the best.

Thank you as always for your time.
Image Sources:
- http://www.wikihow.com/Figure-out-Your-Life
- https://blog.rwth-aachen.de/guille/2015/01/11/i-do-not-have-time/
- https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/IqMRzM1ZrK0-m7kqQahdNlObHa3LoXBhpf_4Agi4qxKHZ37vO0Ww79wdszrplB_faP1dVA=s152
this is exactly what we were talking about today... you have REALLY got me thinking, my friend.
Thank you.
You're welcome glad I could help :)
Always enjoy your posts. Steem on! I mean... dream on! 🐓🐓
Hahahahaha yes I love you you da bomb.com :)
Thank you so much for your positive energy
Hi. I love the ‘break-your-pattern’ concept. I’ve done it more times than I could count and I can tell that if you step outside the box, there’ll be some positive aspects to it but sometimes negative too. It really depends on what you’re after.
Exactly exactly. Your intent comes into play dramatically.
Thank you for reading I really appreciate you buddy. Your skills are top notch so I appreciate you taking time to read this post
Check messenger
Roger that