I went to a conference in Kyoto this week. It was a great conference, but I want to show you some of the desserts

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I went to an educational conference in Kyoto this week.
Just outside the station is a mockup of one of the old gates to the capital. Behind it Kyoto Tower is lit up in all it's splendor.
It is an observation and radio tower for the city and the easiest way yo see where the station is from almost anywhere in the city.
Scroll down to see the desserts!
The conference was great and I'll put together a whole post about that a little later for #steemeducation.
Today, I want to talk about the desserts. And snacks. Oh my.

This one seemed to be the showstopper on twitter. It is a matcha cake. There is a gelatin glaze on top to give it that sheen. It was spectaular.
The next is a shot of the coffee row, just walk up and grab a cup.
The next dessert is called youkan. It is a specialty in Kyoto (and Kansai). It's made with a sweet bean (adzuki) paste.
The final night was a massive spread.
First up were the cream puffs.
Japanese folks seem to really REALLY love cream puffs. I understand why.
Then a few cakes...
The first is similar to the matcha cake, but had a more hazelnut flavor.
Next up was the white chocolate cake.
I thought this was going to be a cheesecake, but it wasn't. It was really light though...
The next one was similar, but more hazelnutty....
Chocolate? why yes, there was chocolate. And raspberries.
More chocolate and raspberries? Sure, But lets change up the style a little and go for a more traditional cake...
(This one was my favorite.)
As a palette cleanser, how about some watermelon jelly (jello) with strawberries?
Yeah, I gained at least 3kg on the final night alone.

Next up is the content for the conference.
I also still owe an in depth blog on my aikido experience, but I need to re-shoot some of the pictures and video for that one.
I took all of these pictures myself, with my iPhone 7.
I hope you enjoyed them!


Maybe I should have put this over in food.... Ah well, next time :D