Crabs and Monkeys. Which one are you ? pt1

in #life6 years ago

June 13, 2018
Have you ever taken time to observe the actions of people around you? And I don't mean how people eat, how they walk, or how they shake hands. Not that, no. I mean their actions they take relating to other people, do they do things to help or lift others up, or are the trying to drag others down ? Have you ever thought of your actions in that regard ? Probably not.
Now when I pose that question, I don't mean did you pull over and help that guy on the side of the road change his flat tire. Nor am I saying that you went pee in a gatorade bottle and gave it to a homeless person on a hot summer day and said "drink this, it'll cool you down." No.
By now you're probably wondering "Dude, what's the point. Where are you going with this ?" Here is the point...there are 2 kinds of people in this world. All the myriad differences that we have--black or white---christian or jew...straight or gay...male or female. When it all comes down to it there are only 2 kinds of people.
Crabs and Monkeys my friends. Crabs and Monkeys. Which one are you ?

See that cute little monkey there ? Let's call him slappy. Slappy the monkey. Now going back to the actions we take and how they effect others. You see, monkeys like to be happy, just like Slappy, see that big smile on Slappy. And monkeys having their monkey families and monkey societies work really hard to keep each other happy. They hunt together, they share each others bananas, you get the point. They do little things that. Here are some of Slappy's cousins, lets call them Gunter, Schlomo, and Barack. They are happily picking lice off of each other and eating them, see---

That's up-lifting. That's positive. That's being good to your fellow primate. Those are actions that improve everyone's world at the same time. As well as providing a tasty treat.
In my next installment, we are going to examine Crabs. What do they do ? What do the mean ? Why do we have Crabs ? And after that, it will all become clear.