Now that's called an amazing post, we always stand before mirror and say that we are stronger than everyone but in reality when we face any awkward or uncomfortable situation, sometimes we tend to run away from this problem, so it's better to listen our innerself not upper shell of mind because our mind is easy influence box, so listen to your innerself and never enter into state of fear or doubt, if you will act then you can get results but if you doubt then your doubt will be hold you and not let you do your action and inturn you will fail to manifest your goals. I really appreciate you, because you fight with your fear and you stood with your confidence and faith and also i liked the last four lines, it describes you completely. Thanks for sharing.
Have a great day and stay blessed.
What a beautiful comment @chireerocks - thank you!!! I love how deeply you always think through everything.
Never were truer words spoken!
Thank you again for taking the time to really read and appreciate my blog posts. I always enjoy reading your feedback.
Welcome and thank you so much for the appreciation. 🙂