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RE: Climate Change Fraud - Temperature Data Cooked Up

in #life6 years ago

somethingsubtle, The guardian and Dr Hughes, you can't be serious!The Guardian has zero credibility especially when it comes to climate change. Hughes is more activist than scientist and this claim you linked has been proven to be more alarmist propaganda/corruption. The Prof Peter Ridd is the latest scientist alarmists like Hughes have attempted to silence. The following interview by John MacKenzie from 4CA speaks with Professor Peter Ridd about the scientific conclusion that coral bleaching in not a new phenomena is excellent

Science or silence? My battle to question doomsayers about the Great Barrier Reef

James Corbett interviews Jim Steele about his book ''Landscapes and Cycles: An Environmentalist's Journey to Climate Skepticism'' examines how the inflated catastrophic claims of climate change has been misguiding conservation efforts, and misdirecting critical funding and thwarting attempts to build a more resilient environment. Jim Steele draws on 25 years of research and habitat restoration in California's Sierra Nevada to provide thought provoking analyses that contrast the success of conservation science with the deceptive claims of global warming advocates. He exposes radical activists parading as scientist Hoegh-Guldberg and Terry Hughes, highly recommend listening this interview.

The Great Barrier Reef has been under threat for at least 50 years. Each new threat brings a new flood of taxpayer money. The alarmist science changes but the reef remains. For millions of years corals have endured ice ages, warming mass extinctions, fluctuating sea levels, rivers of sediments, volcanoes, earthquakes & tsunamis. Take the Bikini atomic testing site, 23 nuclear bombs & one was 1,100 times larger than dropped on Hiroshima, 70yrs later, Bikini Atoll is thriving.