I need a bit of help..
I have been looking at getting myself a Gopro for quite a while now and I'm not really sure which way to go about it. If you have been reading my blog you would know that I enjoy the outdoors and the occasional sport in the sea (diving, spearfishing, kayaking and swimming).
I want to get a GoPro so that I can share all the experiences with you guys. I have had some incredible dives over the last couple of years and people always look at me funny when I'm all enthusiastically going on about the things that I saw. So I want to get some proof that I'm not crazy!
Do anyone of you have any experience with GoPro's or own one? I have been looking at the GoPro Hero Session, they seem to be quite cheap, small and light. The problem with my diving is that we dive in between the kelp (sea-grass) quite a lot and I might end up losing it in the thick of it. Is the Hero line worth it or does the fact that it doesn't have a screen affect your video capturing? Any feedback would be appreciated.

I say get it!! Gopro is awesome. I've had the hero 2, hero 3+black, the hero 4 silver, and now I'm on my second hero 4 silver. When you do extreme stuff with a camera it's easy to lose it. My first one is in the bottom of a lake, the second washed away down a river, and the third is somewhere on a random mountainside in the San Gabriel mountains. lol. I've never tried the session, but I will say that I really enjoy having the screen on my 4 silver. Also, If you're diving with it you might want to consider the chest or head mount so that the camera will be attached to you and you won't lose it. Because I can tell you from my experience it's a real bummer to lose a camera that's all loaded with awesome footage.
I can just imagine, I can't really afford to lose one that is why I'm still on the fence about it. The Session is a lot smaller so it might not get caught on stuff so easily. There are so many variables to consider.. Thanks for the feedback :)