Life is like a circus. It's busy, loud, and chaotic. There are lions, elephants, and trapeze artists all vying for attention. All of the chaos created by the different animals and entertainers form one big show. Somehow, it all works together.
But it only works if everyone does what they do best.
For example, who doesn't love a monkey? Monkeys are funny and playful.
Every circus needs a monkey. Just don't make him the ringleader.
The circus falls apart when there is a monkey running the show, and so to with life.
When you don't play to your strengths, the whole production goes to shit. Also, if you're in charge of others, you should expect failure when you put people in positions where they can't thrive. People need the opportunity to do what they do best.
The following should sound familiar:
A purebred button-pusher becomes an atrocious people manager. A stellar people manager become a lousy number-cruncher. A wizard number-cruncher becomes a mindless button-pusher. It's a never ending cycle of incompetence.
Are you a bloody good salesperson? Be a salesperson.
Are you a killer stay-at-home dad? Be a stay-at-home dad.
Are you a wicked artist? Then be a goddamn artist.
Everyone has something to contribute. It's just figuring out what part of this circus act you belong in.
But, now that I think about it, a monkey ringleader would be really fucking cool... Just sayin'.
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Main image created in Canva; underline credit

That's my biggest problem. I don't know what part to play in this circus of life. I'm highly skilled at many things to include some wicked art. I never have found my niche in anything except maybe being a gypsy. I get bored easily so I try new things to alleviate the boredom. Somehow I have managed to become a pretty awesome step-dad while my own flash and blood despise me so I guess there is a balance there too. Jack of all trades master of my own destiny is how I see it. Creator of dreams tho I don't live in them and somehow that needs to change, or not.
Thanks for the shout out. Thanks for your continued thoughtful content. Your words inspire me to see the world from another perspective and that's a good thing. Steem on brother.
Who knows? Maybe doing a lot of things will eventually amalgamate into something you're really good at or well prepared for. I am similar in some ways. I bore easily, try new things. I am trying to dig my heels in a bit more though. Push through the boredom, or make the thing I am doing feel more novel again.
Have a great day, @Spozone!
If you do what love you never work a day in your life. Nice one and I don't think I'd like to be led by a monkey, although it could be entertaining.
I think we're so afraid to be ourselves and admit what we are good and not good at. We sell ourselves short by pretending we're something we're not, or by letting someone else tell us to do something we can't thrive at.
Monkey ringleader = best ringleader though.
So true....I've seen that too many times. There are people they are really good at their jobs so they get promoted to manager....but they aren't good with dealing with people so they get fired or quit. Meanwhile, the company lost a great employee!
Man... It is the plight of corporations. They think their ladder is built for success, but it's built for this made up person that doesn't really exist. Some people have a ceiling as soon as people enter the picture.
So happy to see someone else think this way!
Absolutely! The worst is when promotions are based on seniority. Just because someone has been with the company the longest, doesn't mean they are the best qualified to lead a department.
True! We all know our strengths, the problem is sometimes we fear to take advantage of it because the society disapproves.
Yep. It's hard to lean into it. I still struggle with it every day. Taking small steps constantly has been the answer for me.
Thank you for your comment.
Very inspiring post! Upvoted :)
Thank you! I am glad you liked it.
Good one!
People should be let to develop their OWN skills, not what others expect them to become. I saw that when I was on Uni. Nobody really expected I will be the one who fits the bill because of the nature of Uni, but I saw a lot of people coming there with no natural incline or talent to be there. Still, they did. Because of their parents...