Share your driving school experience

in #life8 years ago

I am now finishing to study the traffic code,car mechanics and first aid. It was very easy for me to learn the signs,markings and traffic rules. The hard part is to memorise the penalties and contraventional acts but all of them are pretty logical.

In the following weeks my uncle will teach me how to drive a manual car. You know... all the clutch,gas,brake,gearbox stuff... and of course the PARKING which I heard is the toughest part. Anyway I'm sure I will perform well as I'm a fast-learner. Then I need to take 15 hours of theoretical courses and 30 hours of practical driving hours with an instructor so I can qualify to take the driving exams. ;)

Hopefully I can get my driving license in a 1-2 months period from now!! 

Feel free to share your experience with the driving school!