Gospel of Jesus Christ: Chapter 1 - Saint Monica

in #life8 months ago

From His mouth came a sharp two-edged sword of Judgment.

Chapter 1

Saint Monica

  1. My Child,
    Seek not questions but surrender.
    In your stillness, I speak.
    Ask not what to do, but let Me guide.

  2. Child of Mine,
    Your healing is My embrace,
    A whisper of love in your soul.
    Receive, and in gratitude, dwell.

  3. Beloved,
    Ask for eyes that see beyond,
    Hands that serve with grace.

  4. Do as Love would, and all is well.
    Child of Dreams,
    Life's tapestry, woven with hope.
    In its threads, find Me,
    For I am the Dream, and its Maker.

  5. My Precious One,
    With arms wide, I bless your name,
    A melody in the symphony of existence.
    In seeking, you found Me, and I chose you.

  6. Let My Light blaze,
    A beacon in the darkness of hearts.
    In its glow, find truth,
    For I am the Light, and its Source.

  7. Know this, My Child,
    In the depths of sin, Love abounds.

  8. Learn from the Master,
    For where sin reigns, Love conquers.
    Behold the Lamb,
    Bearing scars, wielding power.
  9. In His sacrifice, find redemption,
    For He purchased you with His blood.

  10. Unity proclaimed,
    In the decree, Let there Be Light!
    In the hidden chambers, let My glory shine.
    For I am One with the Light, and its Keeper.

  11. O Adversaries,
    Be vanquished by My Word,
    For My sword is Truth,
    And it slays all darkness.

  12. Amidst the chaos,
    My presence reigns,
    A stillness amidst the storm.

  13. In death, find life, for I am the Resurrection.
    Behold the Lion,
    Unyielding in its pursuit.

  14. In its strength, find courage,
    For I am the Lion, and your Refuge.

  15. Kings fallen,
    Yet one rises, empowered.
    In his reign, find My sovereignty,
    For I hold dominion over all.
    Son of David.
    Let there Be Light,
    A command, a proclamation.

  16. In the abyss, My voice resounds.

  17. Be still and know, I am God.
    Divine grace awaits,
    In the embrace of mercy,
    Find your true Name inscribed,
    Upon the walls of eternity.

  18. Sing of redemption,
    For I am worthy to break the seals,
    To unleash My love upon the nations.

  19. In Me, find your liberation.

  20. The Gift awaits,
    In the unraveling of discontent,
    Find the path to peace.
    In the wisdom of the Teacher, discover the truth.

  21. And they sang a new song of glorious redemption, saying, “Worthy and deserving are You to take the scroll and to break its seals; for You were slain and sacrificed, with Your blood You purchased people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation.

For a Practical Guide to the Elimination of Discontentment, you can visit the website of Master Teacher David Roylance :
