Apology and the key benefits behind it

in #life7 years ago

An apology can be said to be the most effective way for an offender, or other alleged wrong doer of a law, duty or obligation, to prove their assumed responsibility for a wrong doing.

Image from Pixabay

Regardless of whether an apology is genuine, or more figured there is little question that when an expression of apology is delivered, its creator has accepted at any rate moral obligation regarding the demonstration or exclusion being referred to.

Societies also tend to respect individuals who “own up” to their faults, admit mistakes, take responsibility for their conduct and offer an appropriate apology to any affected innocent persons.

Apologising is the most likely explicit means through which human errors of any kind are acknowledged; “well-formed” apologies implicitly acknowledge wrongdoing, responsibility and an expression of regret or remorse.


Key Benefits of Apologies

The key benefits most often attributable to an apology have various dimensions.

  1. An apology will often contribute to better relations between parties estranged by a wrongful act or a prolonged course of conduct. An apology is akin to an act of contrition, where the offending party acknowledges that a precipitating event was morally wrong.

  2. In conflct circumstances, such as insulting, demeaning or other anti-social behaviour causing emotional upset to the offended person, an apology will often signal a potential new beginning in the parties’ relationship.

  3. From an admission of wrongful behaviour, the parties may be able to establish a foundation from which they can move forward; alternatively, if the relationship cannot be restored to its former strength, then an apology is an effective clean break.

  4. Each person can move forward with a better sense that the problem giving rise to the apology is no longer problematic.

  5. These moral attributes create an effective bridge to more fully appreciating the legal issues generated by apology concepts and related apology legislation.

  6. Literature illustrates that apologies can often satisfy a “healing and re-balancing function for both victim and relationship, and often for an offender as well”.

Thanks for coming around and I hope this article is helpful.
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In my opinion apologies are very important. You need to be responsible for your wrongdoings or whatever you done wrong and if there is a need to apologize you have to do it not only for the sake of the person you are apologizing to also for your sake.

Well written article!

Thanks for the point mate

Apology us really a great tool.
But humility must be in place in other for apology to come in.
Apology can sort things, even those money can't do.
Great post boss

Yeah bro
Thanks for coming around

admitir que te equivocaste, demostrar que sientes un remordimiento real, hay que arreglar lo que está mal, te estás comprometiendo a tomar medidas para reparar el daño, finalmente pronunciar la palabra "perdón", un abrazo en la distanciaSaludos @christianolu, la disculpa es muy importante en una relacion de pareja, no es facil disculparse despues de maltrato psicologico, maltrato fisico, ofender etc, antes de disculparse hay que sentirlo de verdad, es necesario que expresarlo, y dejar para ello de lado el prejuicio que identifica el pedir perdón como un síntoma de debilidad, es importante mirar directamente a los ojos y hacerlo con la expresión, que demuestre sinceridad,

Waw that's a very good point my friend

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Uff been there, done that!

Yes, I agree with your post. Apology is useful to maintain relations and to live happy.

Apologies are definitely needed a lot. We're humans and we're bound to mess up sometimes. I think the apologies do a lot for the person making the apology. But along with that, I think people need to be willing to forgive too.
I think apologies are a lot more effective we're able to understand that we all have faults and we're willing to forgive one another as well so that we're able to progress after the apology.
great post though!